IQ Standard V1 20231204

Training systems

Instructor Qualification Standard / V1 2023-12-04

9.6.2 The agile approach (where lessons, learning activities and discussions alternately may address e.g. general didactical topics, the GWO instructor’s role, or the IQT Trainer’s role) means the IQTT teacher must always ensure, that the participants are aware of which aim and target group is being addressed at any moment (e.g. “this activity is to build on your pedagogical competences in general” or “this is an example of how you may deliver an IQT lesson”) 9.6.3 Each IQTT participant will plan and conduct a number of lessons and learning activities related to the IQT syllabus. This is partly to address IQT topics of special interest; partly to engage the IQTT participants in student-driven learning activities and IQT relevant reflections.

9.6.4 All though the strategy is flexible, a number of overall topics from the IQTT syllabus must be addressed:

Main topics: 1.

GWO Taxonomy Framework


Feedback and assessment tools

3. Student centred involving learning activities building on the participants experiences and adult learning principles

Pre-requisite literature: 1.

IQT Training Standard


GWO Taxonomy Framework


Barriers to learning


IQTT Assessment and evaluation criteria and checklist (Annex 6)

9.7 Detailed Description of the IQTT Module The scaffolding of the workshop is the participants planning and teaching lessons, part of lessons, single learning activities and presentations. To support this, the IQTT teachers teach relevant topics when required or otherwise feasible.

Design of Participants’ lessons: Aim: The aims of the participants planning and teaching lessons and learning activities are threefold:

1. To support the participants development of their individual IQT programmes

2. To practise alignment to the GWO Taxonomy Framework, including feedback and assessment skills


To share knowledge and materials within their IQTT cohort

Teaching design (The IQTT teacher may choose alternative designs):

The IQTT participant should:

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