July 1928 tH
T h e
K i n g ’ s
B u s i n e s s
Striking Stories o f God’s Workings GATHERED THIS MONTH FROM BIOLA WORKERS
Seven th Annua l Euodia M eet—B iggest Yet HE Seventh Annual Conference of our Euodia Clubs has come and gone. About 600 high- school girls gathered at the Pacific Palisades with their teachers and chaperones to spend three days in fellowship with one another, and to learn new lessons of the Lord. They had a good time in every sense of that term. A beach party in charge of Miss Nelson, who was the sports mistress, was thoroughly enjoyed by all, especially the swimmers. A “headdress parade” was a very pretty sight. Each club had made headdresses of paper to distinguish themselves.' Prizes were offered for the most original and distinctive, and were secured by Fremont High girls whose airplane caps won great praise. Manual Arts High girls showed great taste in the hand-painted pansies, jauntily fixed to the side of the cap. Granada girls re ceived thundering applause as they passed before the judges with headdresses of lighthouses on a sea of blue, singing “Let the Lower Lights be Burning, send a gleam across the wave; some poor fainting, struggling seaman you may rescue, you may save.” Washington Junior High girls of Altadena, were greatly admired in George Washington three-cornered hats and white, wigs. The Banquet, always a big feature of the Conference, was a time of good cheer. Mrs. Whitwell was toast mis tress, and introduced the girls who gave one-minute speeches on the theme, “What light has Euodia Bible study brought to me?” All did remarkably well. In the Senior division Kathryn Louthan of Manual Arts High won the prize; and Shirley Hilfe of Mt. Vernon Junior High in the Junior division. The meetings from start to finish were of the highest type. The power of the Holy Spirit was felt all through the Conference. The Conference theme, “Jesus Christ — whom to know is life eternal,’’ was the keynote of every speaker. Every meeting brought definite results, and at
the closing testimony meeting, conducted by Mr. Rutledge, a great number stood to confess their faith in Christ for the first time, and many consecrated their lives to the ser vice of the Lord. Mr. Roy Creighton, C. E. Secretary; Mr. H. H. MacArthur, leader of Nuntius Boys Clubs; Mrs. Gordon Hooker, Miss Myrtle Scott, Mrs. Charles Hope, of the Bible Women; Miss Elizabeth Merritt, one of the Euodia teachers; and Miss Phelps, faculty adviser of Manual Arts, were some of the speakers. Miss Romans led the singing, with Mr. Gordon Hooker accompanying, to the enjoyment and uplift of all present. Miss Hunter’s announcements with her police whistle, always called for great attention. The behavior of the girls was all that could be desired, and many remarked upon the beautiful, unselfish snirit shown. One visitor said, “I had no idea a Euodia Con ference would be so spiritual. I thought you just came for a picnic. I am amazed at the earnestness of the girls, the way they ask questions and consult their, little pocket Testaments, and the sweet spirit of devotion during the prayer time in their tents.” 1 At the farewell meeting the prizes were distributed for posters made by the girls, advertising the Conference. Serious poster, Lyla Bodell of Thomas Starr King Junior High, and Pauline Downey of Luther Burbank Junior High. Comic poster, Janet Stevens of Eagle Rock Junior Highland Doris Boyd of Eagle Rock Junior High. Those gaining prizes of Bibles in the Scripture Memory Contest held on March 24th, were—Seniors, Marie Coulcombe of Los Angeles High, and Mildred Dean of Belmont High. Juniors, Rayola Weitzel of Mt. Vernon Junior High, and Marjorie Coffin of Graham Junior High. Honorable men tion, Evelyn Knouff and Ruth Ender. The clubs winning the half-yearly banners were— Class A, in the city, Fremont High; out of the city, Al hambra High. Class B, in the city, Thomas Edison Junior High; out of the city, George Washington Junior High, Pasadena.
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