
YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of September 4 to 10, 2016


ARIES New eating habits that you adopt now will be extremely beneficial to your men- tal and physical health. This initiative could result after a bout of overindulging. Changes in the workplace will be very favourable. TAURUS Your love life is more important to you now. You will experience moments of great happiness with your romantic part- ner. If you are single, you will finally meet your soulmate. GEMINI You will receive a well-deserved raise. In addition, you could develop a small at home business, which will be a success due in large part to your creativity. CANCER Your self-esteem skyrockets this week. This could be the result of revitalizing your wardrobe or changing your hair- style; you will feel better about yourself. LEO Your well-developed sense of aesthetics comes into play this week as you make moves to redecorate your home. You could discover a hidden source of cash, so empty those pockets! VIRGO You will express yourself with distinction and speak from the heart. For once, you’ll take centre stage, which results in making some people jealous. LIBRA Your creative talents allow you to easily create a new source of revenue. You will get in a good workout this week, despite a hectic schedule. SCORPIO Lots of action on the horizon after a break. There will be many adjustments to make at work and at home. You need to make compromises to restore harmony with your loved ones. SAGITTARIUS This is a great week to relax and spoil yourself. Make an appointment with your massage therapist, esthetician or other professional caregiver in order to recharge your batteries. CAPRICORN Lots of people will invade your personal space and you will have to play it cool on more than one occasion. Fortunately, your charm will allow you to extend your Reduce your stress levels by learning to delegate more. You tend to worry about your family. Your children must learn to be independent at some point in their lives. PISCES You will come across a great deal for a trip. However, it may take a while before you are given a vacation or have enough time to get everything organized. social circle. AQUARIUS


ACROSS 1. Bungle 5. Lemon drink 8. Concept 12.Sour green fruit 13.Hurry 14.Advance 15.Squeezed 17.Hurt 18.Feel anxious 19.In a legitimate way 21.Observer 23.Buff 24.Each part 26.Nutritious bean 28.Fearful 32.Companions 34.Papa 36.Mexican sand- wich 37.Nasal tone 39.Frantic 41.Golf gadget 42.Bend an ____ 44.Marcel Marceau, e.g. 46.Scuffed

50.Reef substance 53.Fish catcher 54.Alaskan con- struction 56.Inactive 57.____ out (make do) 58.Evidence 59.Equal 60.Allow 61.Snow coaster DOWN 1. Went by 747 2. Exec’s auto 3. Rainy-day gear 4. Juicy fruit 5. Semicircle 6. Fencing event 7. One who finishes 8. Reside 9. Bargain 10.Aristocrat 11.Military 16.Positive votes 20.Belly 22.Curtain fixture 24.Clever

25.____ degree 27.Thanksgiving vegetable 29.Stuff 30.Frozen dessert 31.Fawn’s ma 33.Athletic shoe 35.Block, as a stream 38.Break in a barrier 40.Game cubes 43.Drive off 45.Shapes 46.Freighter, e.g. 47.Morse ____ 48.Speaking part 49.Embankment 51.Add to the kitty 52.Conduct 55.Stroke gently



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HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 7 septembre 2016

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