
Si tu veux obtenir ton diplôme d’études secondaires, et que tu as 18 ans ou +, viens t’inscrire au CEFEO.

Le CEFEO t’offre l’occasion d’étudier à ton rythme. • Études indépendantes à l’école ou à la maison

• Cours enseignés crédités en mathématiques et/ou français (selon les régions). • RDA (Reconnaissance Des Acquis) : Obtiens des crédits basés sur tes habiletés et tes connaissances au travail, à la maison, par le bénévolat ou dans un programme de formation. • Éducation coopérative – Obtiens des crédits à ton emploi ou en stage de formation dans un domaine qui t’intéresse.

There’s a new taste of Asia on Montreal Road. Ruby Restaurant has reopened at 315 Montreal Road, and new owners Michael Xian and Karen Xu are bringing with them the sights, smells and the tastes of China. “The people who are coming in are telling us our food is really delicious,” said Karen, who along with her husband made the move from Toronto to open a business in Cornwall. When the property in Le Village became available the couple jumped at the chance to open a restaurant in this growing commercial district of the city. “My husband was tired of the big city,” said Xu. “He loved the small city and being close to the people.” The 100-seat Ruby Restaurant offers everything from authentic Chinese food to the classic Chinese, fare many in Cornwall and area have come to enjoy, as well as traditional Canadian dishes. “My husband has over 30 years experience working in the kitchen,” said Xu. — photo Le Village BIA Taste of Asia on Montreal Road

BUREAU ADMINISTRATIF Hawkesbury: 429, rue Abbott 613 632-4100 ou 1 866 632-4109 BUREAUX SATELLITES

Alexandria: 3525, chemin de comté 34 613-525-4140

Cornwall: 610, av. McConnell 613-932-3376

Casselman : 750, rue Principale 613-764-1941

Rockland: 1468, rue Laurier 613-446-1685


Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 7 septembre 2016

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