Totally Fulfilled Book!

Chapter 9. The Power of Solutions

Focus on the Finish Line We must appreciate every step of life’s journey. But where obstacles are concerned, a great technique when one bogs you down or changes your plans is to focus on the outcome you imag- ined when you started. This one is easiest for me to explain with an example from my life. I have wanted to write this book for a long time. When I first thought of writing it several years ago, I realized I wasn’t ready yet; I didn’t have everything I needed to share with you, as I truly feel I do today. But it started in my imagination. When I thought of writing this book, I imagined how amazing it would feel to be able to help so many people. I imagined this book in the hands of millions of people. I thought of how proud my family would be and the feelings that gave me—the joy of contributing and making a difference. I imagined it with so much intensity that it was like it had already happened. Yet, since I started writing this book, I have had unexpected obstacles pop up along the way that put me temporarily off-track. I wanted to be done many months ago, and I was hoping to be able to write it in a peaceful environment. But because I own so many businesses, that was temporarily impossible. I couldn’t just stop everything and focus on my book completely. At times I wanted to say, “Forget the book for now. I’m too busy.” When that happened, I revisited what I originally imag- ined, going back to the end result of getting this book done. I remembered the feelings I would have, helping others live a Totally Fulfilled life, and that sparked excitement and desire to keep moving forward all over again. Don’t hesitate to revisit the feeling of the result, when you come up against an obstacle, and don’t let anything stop you from getting there.


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