Totally Fulfilled Book!

Totally Fulfilled

Bill reinforced everything I believe in by not wasting even a day asking how or why this could have happened to him, and he didn’t look for anything or anyone to blame. He simply set his mind on the outcome of getting over it and never looked back. He decided to give this unexpected change in his life a different meaning. Bill was seemingly unshaken and spoke with an unexpected air of confidence. He told me he was going to beat the cancer no matter what he had heard about the disease. He had already fig- ured out his ideal outcome and was starting the steps to fulfill it. By the grace of God, at that time I was doing some consult- ing work for a leading health expert who specialized in strengthening immune systems through natural remedies. So I told Bill I would do my part to find realistic, researched, and proven ways to help him stay strong, especially since he had already decided to start chemotherapy right away because the cancer was in a very advanced stage. At that point there was noth- ing else I could do. He had already set his mind on the end result of being cancer-free, and that was the start he needed. I did a lot of research and shared what I learned with Bill about boosting his immune system. Bill endured twelve weeks of chemotherapy and despite weight loss, discoloration of his skin, aches and pains, loss of his hair and appetite, and minimal sleep, he never missed one day’s work. I am so thankful to say that today he has been totally cancer-free for over a year. In fact, he just recently went back for a test, and he is in perfect health. How did Bill make this miracle happen? First, instead of wasting his energy on why or how this happened to him, he took the knowledge I shared with him, and the information he learned on his own, and made the necessary changes in his life for optimal results. Second, he embraced the unexpected change and focused on the outcome from the very start. Please know that I am not saying that all cancer can be cured by focus and wheat grass. But I watched this happen with Bill first- hand, and I have to share this amazing story with you. If you know someone who is sick, or if you are sick, do your best to give


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