Totally Fulfilled Book!

Totally Fulfilled

1. What happened? Describe it in detail. Write it down. 2. What, if anything, can I learn from this so I can avoid it in the future? 3. What would be the ideal new outcome to this unexpected change? Write it down. 4. How can I start today to make this hopeful new outcome a reality? It’s so important to eliminate the “victim” questions. Focus on these questions, which will empower you. Focus on a positive outcome, even if this unexpected change steered you in a new direction. Embrace that new direction, appreciate the past for what it has taught you, and take hold of your future. Enjoy the Benefits Before They Even Happen To immediately help you deal with change, expected or unexpected, first envision the ideal scenario for after the change happens. Where would you be? In a new job? Healthy? In a new relationship? A better relationship? Getting a raise? Starting your own business? Building a better relationship with God or a Higher Power? Where could you be? A few times a day, imagine it has already happened . Let yourself feel that your change produced the results you’d hoped for, and enjoy that image for a few moments. Turn off the cell phone. Do it while the kids are asleep. Whenever you have a quick moment, trick yourself into believing the change has already happened and see what that feels like. Everything starts with a thought and a feeling. Remember, you are what you focus on. If you focus on the negative of the change, you will experience fear. If you can use the techniques in this section, along with focusing on the outcome of the ideal accomplishment of your change, then all your energy will go in the right direction.


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