Totally Fulfilled Book!

Totally Fulfilled

So imagining is an essential first step towards creating a new you and your Totally Fulfilled life.

You have greatness inside of you, just like the people who thought of the fax machine and the Internet. Everyone has imag- ined something and then seen it become a reality, even you! Perhaps you wished to date someone and then he or she became your spouse. Or maybe you wished for a better job and got one. Those things didn’t happen by luck. You pictured it. You imagined it. And then you took steps to make it happen. We’ll utilize that same process together but at a new level. We are going to knock down the walls so your dreams come true, not by luck, but by simple proven strategies that work. We can make each day exciting because you will be taking the right steps towards your dreams and not allowing anything to steer you off your path to Total Fulfillment. The Law of Manifestation There is a principle that many Eastern religions have called the Law of Manifestation. Manifestation is just a big word that means to make real. The belief is that if you have a desire or goal in your mind, it has a certain energy level. The belief is that all life in the universe is just energy working at different levels. If you keep that goal strictly in your mind, you’re working at a lower level of energy. The theory claims that since it’s contained inside your own head, the energy doesn’t flow as freely. Core Attribute #5 Totally Fulfilled People have rich imaginations and are able to visualize their future and then take the appropriate steps to achieve their goal.


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