Let's Talk Trash 2018-2019 school yr

Let’s Talk Trash! SEPT/OCT 2018


©2018 The Keenan Group, Inc

What’s The Difference? Trash vs Garbage

Trash is something thrown away (which could still be useful for somebody else), garbage is useless (such as bad food). Garbage seems to be rather organic while trash is inorganic. garbage: waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away; = rubbish litter: waste paper, cans, etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place; = rubbish, trash, garbage: People who drop litter can be fined in some cities. rubbish: food, paper etc that is no longer needed and has been thrown away; = garbage trash: things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad, etc; = rubbish waste: unwanted materials or substances that are left after you have used something: The emphasis is on recycling household waste. Industrial/chemical, etc waste proposals to end the dumping of industrial waste into rivers and seas • waste pipes • the disposal of hazardous waste -> nuclear waste, toxic waste.

Find the 5 Differences

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