Let's Talk Trash 2018-2019 school yr

Let’s Talk Trash! NOV/DEC 2018


©2018 The Keenan Group, Inc

The original proverb , Birds of a Feather Flock Together , was Friends of a Feather are Better Together

What is a Proverb? Proverbs are wise sayings. They usually: 1. Are popular and memorable; “All’s well that ends well.” 2. Are short and to the point; “ Practice makes perfect.” 3. Provide wise advice; “Slow but sure wins the race.” 4. Contain simple truths from experience over the years. “Honesty is the best policy.” 5. Most proverbs exhibit simple rhyme and elegant balance. Finish this proverb. Familes who work together.. .

coined by William Turner in 1545. This phrase was to illustrate that people, like birds, tend to stick together and stay together based commonalities between them. Although you are a student of the human species, you, like your mammal friends (the birds), are likely drawn to be around those you share traits with. In fact, one study found that close friends share about 1% of their DNA. (A) Maybe the human species is more instinctual after all. C.S. Lewis once said “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another : ‘What! You, too? Thought I was the only one.’” Feeling validated and understood is just one of the many benefits of friendship. (B) One study found that individuals with a strong social network are more likely to survive a major illness, SAY WHAT??? It’s true. In addition, great friendships reduce the stress in life and have positive outcomes on your physical, mental, and emotional health. (A) Not sure how to find people you can connect with? Start by engaging in the activities you already enjoy and notice those around you, whether that be through an after school club, an athletic team, or your church youth group. Once you find your “flock”, keep them close and they will become like family! A) https://www.knowyourphrase.com/birds-of-a-feather-flock-together B) https://www.indiatimes.com/lifestyle/self/13-scientific-facts-about-friendship-that-will-put-a-smile-on- your-face-255296.html C) http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20130123-what-are-friends-really-for

By Valarie Harris - Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a Mental Health Service Provider (MHSP) in the state of Tennessee and owner of Harris Professional Counseling Services, PLLC.

commonalities . . . 1. the fact of sharing interests, experiences, or other characteristics with someone or something: 2. the sharing of a set of features,

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