Let’s Talk Trash!
©2018 The Keenan Group, Inc Thank You to our PREMIER Sponsors!
Sponsored in part by the TDOT Litter Grant & The Cheatham County Mayor’s Office • JANUARY/ FEBRUARY 2019
Color contest winner - page 22
are dragons real? - page 13
kids calendar Art Contest - back cover
Have Your Artwork Published!
As Community Bank & Trust celebrates its 20th Anniversary in 2019, we invite all K-12 Students to help create our annual calendar for the 2020 calendar year. This special keepsake calendar will celebrate our local communities through students’ creativity. NOFEETOENTER andopen toall CheathamandRobertsonCounty students.
Calendar Art Contest Categories and Ideas Community isoneofCommunityBank&Trust’s most important concepts. Webelieve strongly in inclusiveness, engagement,and giving thougha team effortwithin the communitieswe serve. Choose and illustrateoneof thebest things aboutyour communityduringone of the following seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter.
Thank You to our Media Sponsors!
Thank You to our Page Sponsors!
Formore information callBridgettDurardat615-792-0029 oremail:bridgett.durard@cbtcc.com.
The Ashland City Times
Guidelines TheCalendarArtContest is divided into fourgrade groups: Group1: K-3rd Group2:4th -6th Group3:7th -9th Group4:10th -12th • One entry per student. (Entrymust have a copy of a completed entry formwith the artwork.)
Artwork Create your own artwork with your favorite tools: markers, crayons, pens, pencils, pastels, paints, etc. NO3-Dartworkplease. •Artwork dimensionsmay not exceed 8.5 x 11. (Landscape format preferable, but not required) •Digitalmediamust be 300 dip, jpeg, orPDF format •Entries can be dropped off,mailed, or emailed.
Prizes Winning artworkwill be published in the 2020 CommunityBank andTrustCalendarwhichwill bedistributed thoughout bothCheatham and Robertson counties.Thewinners’parents& teacherswill be notified via phone/email indicating their child’s /students’artwill be published.
aaron@usstn.com Project Manager AARON WOLFE
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