Let's Talk Trash 2018-2019 school yr

Let’s Talk Trash! JAN/FEB 2019


©2019 The Keenan Group, Inc


Who are coalition members? Community coalition members are parents, teachers, law enforcement, businesses, religious leaders, health providers and other community activists who are mobilizing at the local level to make their communities safer, healthier and drug-free. Coalitions are partnerships of the many sectors of a community which gather together collaboratively to solve the community’s problems and guide the community’s future. When they are driven by citizen identified issues, citizens become involved in all steps of the problem solving process. How do coalitions make a difference in communities?? Coalition building is a smart strategy that promotes coordination and collaboration and makes efficient use of limited community resources. By connecting multiple sectors of the community in a comprehensive approach, community coalitions are achieving real outcomes. Join us the 4th Monday monthly meeting at Community Bank & Trust, Ashland City, 6:00-7:00 The mission of the Cheatham County Community Enhancement Coalition is to educate and promote community involvement in reducing alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse and other health issues in Cheatham County. For more information and to how become involved in this coalition: 615-246-8075 cheathamcoalition@gmail.com

Kids Across 1. These are the letters you use to write a letter 5. What a person in a dark room must turn on before she can write a letter 8. It doesn’t have to rhyme every time: Just ask Margaret Britton Vaughn, who wrote “Who We Are,” the official bicentennial ____ of Tennessee 9. It’s the color of the seal on the Newbery Medal- winning book, “You Are (Not) Small” by Anna Kang 10. To use a machine to duplicate what you wrote 11. The word that comes just before your name when you write a letter to your grandmother

13. Because the back of Tennessee’s state quarter features a fiddle, a guitar and a trumpet, the state’s rich musical heritage is on the _____ 14. What’s in your hand (instead of a pencil) if the message you’re writing is a text 16. An eraser can make an _____ disappear 17. Low-tech tablets: What Moses used to carve the Ten Commandments in stone 19. Initials of the Ms. Rowling, whose awesome book series told tales about Harry Potter (or abbr. a texter uses when he was only joking) 21. Its pulp is used to make paper 22. What an artist writes or performs that could win him a Country Music Award 23. Creative writing: If you see a composer is writing a short 22 Across, you might say that she’s making a few ____

Teachers OR Parents Down 2. Alexander, the most prolific of our Founding Fathers, who in 2015 became the toast of Broadway 3. What a mom scrawls her child’s name on before he heads off to school 4. Words often seen on a ghost writer’s line of credit: “As ____ to...” 6. One more thing: Word that just popped into the mind of the letter writer who finds herself writing “P.S.” 7. What the pages of Cleopatra’s diary were probably made of 8. What a writer uses to write in longhand (or flowery way to say “write”) 10. One whose autograph has star power 12. Personal banking is a matter of _____ and balances 13. Valentine card’s mode of transportation to reach a faraway 11 Across 15. It’s a long story. like Colson Whitehead’s “The Underground Railroad” 18. You can write hundreds of 12 Downs, but they’re not worth a dime unless you ___ them 20. Text of the world’s briefest farewell letter


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