Let's Talk Trash 2018-2019 school yr

Let’s Talk Trash! SEPT/OCT 2018


©2018 The Keenan Group, Inc

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September comes from the Latin root septem-, meaning “seven,” because in the original Roman republican calendar September was the seventh month of the year rather than the ninth. The Roman calendar was only ten months long and included the following months—Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December. The last six months were assigned names according to their ordinal numbers—Quintilis is the fifth month, Sextilis is the sixth month, and so on. It wasn’t until 45 BC, when Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar (named after Caesar, himself), that the year grew to include two more months, January and February. Quintilis and Sextilis were later renamed to July and August in honor of Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar, but despite repeated attempts to change them, the names for September, October, November, and December not only stuck, but spread to other languages as well. THESE EVENTS ARE CELEBRATED AND RECOGNIZED IN THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. •Baby Safety Month •Chicken Month •Better Breakfast Month •Classical Music Month •Fall Hat Month •Hispanic Heritage Month •Honey Month •International Square Dancing Month •Little League Month •National Blueberry Popsicle Month •National Courtesy Month •National Piano Month •Self Improvement Month

The eighth month in the old Roman calendar, October retained its name (from the Latin ôctō meaning “eight”) after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans. ASIDE FROM HALLOWEEN, THESE EVENTS ARE CELEBRATED AND RECOGNIZED IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER. •Adopt a Shelter Dog Month •Apple Jack Month •Breast Cancer Awareness Month

•Clergy Appreciation Month •Computer Learning Month •Cookie Month •Domestic Violence Awareness Month •Eat Country Ham Month •National Diabetes Month •National Pizza Month •National Vegetarian Month •National Popcorn Popping Month •Seafood Month

The Ashland City Times


aaron@usstn.com c: (615)982-2998 w: (615)227-2275 f: (615)746-5211 ProjectManager AARON WOLFE

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