Gambling Harm Prevention in Sport Review - February 2023

7. In order to eradicate the stigma around gambling harm, there should be increased awareness of gambling harms within organisations. Most pertinently for esports, where iconic players are more regularly involved in the delivery of messaging promoting gambling activities via tournaments, it is important that this pro-gambling message is also balanced by players using their influence to reduce the stigma attached to gambling addiction.

8. There is a need for face-to-face education with lived experience at the core of the message – tailored to suit the audience and sport to ensure maximum impact. It is widely believed to be the most efficient way to deliver safer gambling education.

9. There is a role for digital resources, in order to access information at all times – especially for esports players as they are more familiar with digital learning platforms, but it could be less effective than face-to-face sessions for traditional sports athletes.

10. Despite a recent increase in relevant gambling research, there are numerous gaps in the data – especially around gambling amongst female athletes and athletes of younger ages – which limits evidence-led practices in such areas. Research is vital for decision- making and to create policies, and gambling research should be funded by gambling corporations and governing bodies.

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