2022 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


Use of Force Incidents

Total UOF Incidents - 1,517 Officer Service Calls Involving UOF Total Calls for Service - 345,970 Total Calls Involving UOF - 1,517 Includes On-View & Calls for Service Type of Calls for Service Involving UOF Dispatched Calls - 1,236 (81%) Officer Initiated - 281 (19%)

Central Mission Valley Northeast Pebble Hills West Side Specialized Units

409 154 261 302 233 158

Impact Weapon Chemical Agent

18 4 372 20 3 4

Firearm Display Soft Empty Hand Hard Empty Control Restraint Chair Spit Sock Application

947 2,525

CEW (Taser) Less Lethal K9 Deployment Firearm Discharge

757 132 47

2022 Annual Report

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