2022 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department

El Paso Police Department

Public Information Office Empowering Our Community Through Transparent Communication In 2022, our Public Affairs and Media Relations Department faced many challenges as we navigated a rapidly changing world. Despite these obstacles, our dedicated team has emerged more robust than ever, committed to keeping our community informed and engaged. The Heart of Our Mission: Building Trust and Confidence At the core of our mission is the desire to build trust and inspire confidence in our ability to keep the community well-informed of critical updates and events. We understand that information is power and we are dedicated to empowering every community member with accurate, timely, and accessible news. Engaging Visuals and Anecdotes: Bringing Our Stories to Life Our team believes in the power of storytelling to connect with our community on a deeper level. We strive to incorporate eye-catching visuals and relatable anecdotes to make our content more engaging and impactful. From captivating infographics to heartwarming stories of everyday heroes, we aim to showcase the best of our community while highlighting the importance of our department's work. We can continue building a well-informed community that stands united in the face of challenges. Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in our Public Affairs and Media Relations Department. Fostering Partnership and Unity: How You Can Help Support Our Mission We recognize that our success depends on the community's support and involvement. Here are some ways you can help us achieve our mission: 1. Stay Informed: Follow us on social media and subscribe for the latest updates and news. 2. Share Our Stories: Help us reach a wider audience by sharing our content. 3. Provide Feedback: Let us know how we're doing, and share your ideas for improvement by emailing us at AskPD@elpasotexas.gov. 4. Join Our Team: We're always looking for passionate individuals to join our team. Visit Joineppd.com for more information on how to Make the Change and Be the Difference.

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