2022 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


Central Regional Command

Calls for Service Dispatched Events Officer Initiated Staffing

The Central Regional Command, located at 200 S. Campbell, proudly serves the citizens of El Paso with a dedicated force of 169 Officers and 21 civilians. CRCC serves a diverse mix of permanent citizens as well as a daily influx of citizens from other parts of the city and visitors who commute from our sister city Juarez, Mexico. The dedicated officers of CRCC are committed to reducing crime and maintaining strong partnerships with the community to improve the quality of life for our citizens. Sworn Officers are assigned in patrol, criminal investigations, juvenile investigations, tactical unit, community services and the Metro unit. The Central Regional Command overseas numerous community special events, including the Thanksgiving Parade, Celebration of Lights, and Winterfest, in addition to coordinating safe and secure passage to all events hosted by the Southwest University baseball park.

47,166 15,611

Sworn Personnel Civilian Personnel Police Area Representatives Events Held Event Attendants Investigative and Tactical Units

169 21

155 6,593

CRCC Community Service Highlights for 2022 include a successful Underage Drinking Initive Instagram Reels contest in collaboration with BORDERRAC and FITFAM El Paso publicity campaign. There were over 50 entries from area high schools students showing what they do instead of underage drinking. Winners were recognized by City Council and prizes sponsored by BORDER RAC were awarded to them. CRCC Community Services also successfully re-established the Citizen Advisory Board meetings which had been suspended since 2020. CRCC also participated in Texas National Night out on October 4, and attended several events at various locations in Central. CRCC Community Services re-established the Police Cadet Program in 2022 which had also been suspended since 2020. CRCC currently has 15 active cadets with 5 more in the enrollment stage. CRCC Community Services, in partnership with the El Paso Police Foundation and our Cadet program also ran a successful toy drive for children in the downtown El Paso for Christmas. Approximately 1500 new toys were given out. CRCC Community Services participated in Safety Town at Bassett Center, a six week program to teach 5-6 year old about safety. Community services gave numerous public safety presentations to various schools, groups and organizations. CRCC Community Services also worked with Code, Street Outreach Programs to address Homelessness in the downtown area.

Cases Assigned Cases Cleared

3,134 764

Part 1 Crime Cases Murder Aggravated Assault Robbery Forcible Rape Burglary Larceny-Theft Motor Vehicle Theft 9 384 86 123 498 1,331 357

2022 Annual Report

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