2022 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department

El Paso Police Department

Northeast Regional Command

The Northeast Regional Command is centered in the Northeast portion of El Paso. The region extends from the eastern slopes of the Franklin Mountains to the edge of Texas. Eight defined districts share close ties with Fort Bliss, Texas. From the Old Glory Memorial to the Fort Bliss Cemetery that defines the southeastern border, we proudly honor all who have served our Country and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. The El Paso Museum of Archeology, opened in October 12, 1977, hosts the annual Franklin Mountain Poppies Fest each Spring when the California poppies are in bloom and turn the mountainside a majestic golden hue. The Northeast Regional Command’s staff is comprised of 110 sworn officers and 4 civilians. Sworn officers are assigned through three patrol shifts, criminal, juvenile, and tactical investigation divisions, and a special operations division which includes community services and police area representative officers, along with traffic enforcement officers. The station is housed in the same building with the El Paso Municipal Court which enables citizens to access police services easily such as obtaining police criminal and traffic reports and also address traffic citations and set court dates. The Command Center also has a community room which can be reserved to hold community meetings. The community can become involved with the El Paso Police Department, through the Command Center, by joining a variety of programs such as; the Citizen’s Advisory Board, Safety Town, National Night Out, Pride Day, and Neighborhood Watch Programs. The Northeast Regional Command had a successful year in 2022 made possible due to the dedication to serve our community and strong work ethic by all sworn and civilian staff, coupled with the involvement and input from the members of this great community.

Calls for Service Dispatched Events Officer Initiated Investigative and Tactical Units

46,175 10,928

Cases Assigned Cases Cleared Staffing

568 190

Sworn Personnel Civilian Personnel Police Area Representatives Events Held Event Attendants

110 4

150 11,518

Part 1 Crime Cases Murder Aggravated Assault Robbery Forcible Rape Burglary Larceny-Theft Motor Vehicle Theft 6 314 70 114 215 1,266 326


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