2022 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department

El Paso Police Department

59,452 38,685 20,229 2,699 HQ Traffic and High Performance Vehicles to address road rage incidents. It is always the mission and goal of the HQ Traffic unit to reduce traffic fatalities by any margin. That goal was met in 2022, as the City had 75 traffic fatalities in 2021 compared to 74 fatalities in 2022, as a result of the outlined enforcement.

Traffic Enforcement

During 2022, Headquarters Traffic Motors and High Performance Vehicle Unit (HPVU) officers conducted a permanent Traffic Surge Operation to contribute to the Department’s Traffic Safety Plan, Traffic Safety Collaboration, and Vision Zero Traffic Safety Program. They were assigned daily to all 5 regions simultaneously to enforce areas where they could be highly visible to motorists and pedestrians, to convey a message that the officers are proactively conducting high intensity, zero-tolerance enforcement to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities as well as removing dangerous drivers from the streets. The areas of enforcement included high collision intersection locations, fatality locations, major thoroughfares, DDACTS hot spots, school zones, and major traffic hot spots. Emphasis has been placed on taking enforcement action against dangerous aggressive driving behaviors in order

Total Citations Hazardous Citations Issued Non-Hazardous Citations Issued Written Warnings Issued Special Events Funeral Honor Escorts Traffic Presentations Multi-Agency Traffic Enforcement

2022 saw the retirement of motors officers Jose Olvera, Juan Garcia, and Michael Medina, as well as the resignation of Officer Jeremiah Morales who became a Texas DPS Trooper. We welcomed motors officers Joshua Arce, Andres Becerra, and Steven Licona aboard, as well as HPVU officers Rosa Hernandez, Luis Granillo, Nicholas Quade, Ricardo Rodriguez, and James Snyder. All annual motors and HPVU re-certifications were performed successfully. Eight Motors instructors attended a DPS Motor Instructors course in Florence, Texas.

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