Campbell Wealth Management - March 2024

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March 2024 • (703) 535-5300 • 330 John Carlyle St., Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314


to move to your retirement home and decluttering the house. Whatever it is, the more you can get down on paper, the more likely you are to continue checking things off! Now, let’s take care of the procrastination portion. Oftentimes, you can solve procrastination by considering your perspective — and I know I’ve shared this with you before, but it’s definitely worth repeating. Take a moment to ponder your life. Moreover, think about how many years you have left. Let’s say you’re 65 years old, and you project that you’ll live to be 85 — that’s 20 years left. But don’t look at it that way. Instead, look at it a little differently. We are about to emerge from winter, so you’ll have 20 winters left. Or, you can think of it in terms of holiday seasons or birthdays. This creates the perspective that you have limited time to get things done, so the pressure is on! I believe that adopting this mindset will not only help you think of the priorities that are most important and accomplish them but may even prompt you to look at some things differently and take them off your list completely. For example, let’s say you are concerned with the rise in tax rates, that you are paying too much in taxes, but you haven’t really done anything about it. An easy thing to do would be to meet with your Campbell Wealth Management wealth manager to go through a tax review. Possibly, in that tax review, you will find that you should consider using a

Roth conversion strategy. A Roth Conversion is a taxable event. Consult your tax advisor regarding your situation. Remember that tax rates will only be low for 2024 and 2025 because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2018 is set to expire on Dec. 31, 2025. Now is the time to take advantage of the low tax rates and reap the benefits of 20 years of tax-free growth on your Roth IRA. Lastly, keep in mind that the money in that Roth will not have any required minimum distributions, so whether you use that money later in life without having to pay taxes on it, or if that money goes to your kids — who can keep it in the Roth IRA for another 10 years after they inherit it — there will be a substantial tax savings over time. As we all know, having a tax strategy is becoming increasingly important. This is just one example of how to avoid procrastinating and make quicker decisions. I’d rather make a decision that leads to a mistake — I can always correct the mistake. However, the last thing I want to do is not make the decision in the first place and live with the regret of never acting at all. So, hopefully, this mindset helps you get things done a little more quickly! Have a great March, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Hi everyone — happy spring! I hope your 2024 is off to a great start. It’s interesting — we are already into March, and what I didn’t realize is that March 6 begins National Procrastination Week! To me, this designation makes a lot of sense because many people set resolutions for the new year, and between February and March, most individuals abandon those resolutions. So, if we can assume that the second week of March focuses on procrastination, then let’s focus on solving the issue of putting things off until the last minute — after all, we still have plenty of the year left to achieve our goals. So whatever it is you’ve been putting off, or if there are certain things that you know you have on your list and aren’t too keen on doing, let’s start with the first step: Get it down on paper! I recommend writing everything down — make a list of all the things you need to do and include everything on that list, from the tiny tasks to the large items. Just get it down on paper. What I’ve found is that if you can put things down on paper in the form of a checklist, you are more inclined to accomplish those tasks. Items on the checklist could be as small as changing a burned-out lightbulb. Or a little bigger, such as getting your estate documents reviewed by your attorney or upgrading your umbrella liability insurance. Or, possibly, it’s something monumental, such as preparing

Kelly Campbell

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How to Enjoy the Empty Nest

Welcome to the new phase of life every parent faces, the empty nest. It’s that bittersweet time when the last child packs up and leaves only echoes in their once bustling rooms. Suddenly, the soundtrack of your life has shifted from a lively chorus to silence. For 18 years or more, school runs, sports practices, and the ever- present hum of family life framed most of your days. Now, your home feels a tad too spacious.

It’s normal to miss the commotion and the constant interaction with your children. But you are entering an exciting new chapter in your life, just like your children are. Your role as a parent is simply evolving. You’ve been their guide, teacher, and protector for years, and those roles don’t just disappear — they transform. Your children will still look to you for support and guidance; this is your chance to be there for them in a new way. There’s no reason to be cut off from your children. Stay connected through texts, FaceTime calls, and good old-fashioned phone conversations. Discuss their new experiences and share your own. Arranging in-person visits can turn into new traditions for your family. Allow yourself to enjoy this different but equally rewarding aspect of parenthood.

Now, let’s turn the spotlight on you. This is your time, a golden opportunity to focus on self-care and personal growth. Remember those hobbies you shelved when parenting took center stage? Dust them off and give them a whirl! Painting, hiking, learning a musical instrument, or even skydiving — there’s no better time to explore old or new interests. With fewer responsibilities at home, you can pack your bags and explore. Whether across the globe or the state, travel refreshes your spirit and broadens your horizons, offering perspectives that can only come from stepping out of your comfort zone. Life doesn’t stop teaching, and we never stop learning. Your nest might be empty, but your life is full of opportunities waiting for you to seize.

Buying Vs. Leasing —

leasing comes with mileage restrictions, potential fees for excess wear and tear, and the absence of ownership at the end of the lease term. When deciding between buying and leasing, consider the following factors. Driving Habits If you tend to drive long distances or anticipate exceeding mileage limits, buying may be the better option, as you won’t face penalties for excessive mileage. However, if you primarily use your vehicle for short commutes and don’t mind adhering to mileage restrictions, leasing could be more cost-effective. Financial Considerations

What’s the Best Route for You?

When it comes to purchasing a new vehicle, the decision between buying and leasing can be a daunting one. Both options come with their own set of advantages and drawbacks. Buying a car entails taking ownership of the vehicle, either through outright purchase or financing. With ownership comes the freedom to customize the vehicle to your

Evaluate your budget and financial stability. Buying a car typically involves higher monthly payments over 5–6 years (if you are financing your purchase). Leasing usually has lower monthly expenses upfront and lower maintenance costs. Long-Term Goals Consider your future plans and how they

preferences, drive without mileage restrictions, and potentially build equity over time. However, purchasing a car typically requires a larger upfront payment and may result in higher monthly payments compared to leasing. On the other hand, leasing a car involves essentially renting the vehicle for a specified period, usually 2–3 years. Leasing typically requires lower initial costs and monthly payments compared to buying, making it an

align with your choice of vehicle. If you prefer driving a new car every few years and enjoy the latest technology and features, leasing may be the preferred option. However, if you prefer long-term ownership and the ability to customize your vehicle, buying may be more suitable. Ultimately, the decision between buying and leasing boils down to your individual preferences and priorities.

attractive option for those looking to drive a newer car with lower expenses. Additionally, leased vehicles are often covered under warranty throughout the lease term, providing peace of mind against unexpected repair costs. However,

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JACK, TOGO, AND BANDIT WENT ABOVE AND BEYOND 3 FURRY HEROES Sometimes, heroes come sans cape but with fur, paws, and a keen sense of smell. We’ve heard the stories of police dogs, bomb-sniffing dogs, and the German shepherd Trakr, who found the last survivor on 9/11. But even untrained pets and strays can be heroic. Meet Jack, a stray dog in New York City known for scavenging through dumpsters. One early morning, his routine search for food took a life-saving turn. Behind one of these dumpsters was a baby, wrapped in a blanket, vulnerable and alone. Instinctively and with remarkable gentleness, Jack picked up the baby in the blanket with his teeth. Whether guided by fate, an extraordinary sense of purpose, or just because it was the closest open business, Jack took the baby to the hospital. The nurses tried to shoo him away when he first ran through the sliding doors. One nurse, noticing the bundle in the dog’s mouth, was able to get close enough to retrieve the baby. Thanks to Jack, the baby received life-saving medical attention. In the 1920s, the remote town of Nome, Alaska, grappled with a deadly diphtheria epidemic. Children were dying, and the icebound city was inaccessible by plane or boat in the winter. The only way to deliver the needed antitoxins was by dog sled on the Iditarod Trail. Balto, a Siberian husky, received most of the fame, but Togo, another husky, led the team across the most treacherous part of the journey. These

dogs delivered life-saving medicine in time and saved many of Nome’s children. Cats can be heroes, too, as proved by a calico cat who lived up to his name in the most unexpected way. One night in Mississippi, intruders were trying to break into a home. The house cat, Bandit, sensed the danger and sprang into action. The cat’s relentless scratching and tugging at its owner’s blanket finally woke him. Then Bandit led his human downstairs to discover the attempted break-in, which also scared away the intruders. Bandit proved that size and species don’t matter in heroism. In moments of crisis, these four-legged heroes rose to the occasion, not for glory or reward but out of pure love and loyalty. They are potent reminders of the courage and selflessness that animals are capable of.


As an ambassador you will be invited to our world- class event in November. More information to come. Management Ambassador! Be a Campbell Wealth




Call Us Today (703) 535-5300 • 3 (703) 535-5300 330 John Carlyle St., Suite 400 Alexandria, Virginia 22314


INSIDE Marching Toward Proactivity



Embrace the Empty Nest

Buying Vs. Leasing a Vehicle


3 Pet Hero Stories

Become an Ambassador!


Exploring Sintra, Portugal

Securities offered only by duly registered individuals through Madison Avenue Securities, LLC (MAS), member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered only by duly registered individuals through Campbell Wealth Management, LLC (CWM), a Registered Investment Advisor. MAS and CWM are not affiliated entities. Our firm does not offer tax or legal advice. Consult your tax or legal advisor regarding your situation.

ADD SINTRA, PORTUGAL, TO YOUR TRAVEL PLANS! This Beautiful City Is Straight Out of a Fairy Tale

As spring break nears, you might already have plans to travel to Punta Cana, London, Key West, Paris, or a similar destination city. One more to add to your travel checklist is Sintra, Portugal. This beautiful town rests on the hills of Serra de Sintra, just outside the capital, Lisbon. The two castles within the city are the main draws, and it’s easy to see why. Pena Palace and Gardens The National Pena Palace and Gardens are absolutely stunning. The palace is adorned in primary colors, with intricately carved yellow, red, and blue buildings. It’ll cost you 10 euros to explore the grounds and a couple of extra euros to go inside, but it’s worth it! The carvings include many styles, including Neo-Islamic and Neo-Renaissance. Everything is opulent, and you’ll have a great time as you take in the extravagance. Some rooms are painted as an

optical illusion, with doors and hallways looking three-dimensional when they’re just flat.

Quinta da Regaleira Quinta da Regaleira is the city’s second significant castle boasting beautiful gardens, but its main draw is the initiation well. This 80-foot-deep well is a wonder as it sinks into the earth with mossy walls. We suggest you go early, as this is another big attraction for those visiting the city, and officials try to keep people moving as they arrive, mainly as it’s one-way traffic on the steps themselves. Once on the grounds, you can explore many grottos by following their main paths. The castle itself isn’t as opulent as Pena Palace, but it’s still a lovely location to visit. Sintra is perfect for any vacation, and though these are the main draws for the city, by no means are they the only ones. We encourage you to check out this city and see if it fits your travel plans.

Once you head back outside, the rest of the grounds are just as lovely. The enormous gardens have many trails, marked and unmarked. You can get lost in the beautiful oasis, and we encourage you to put aside at least half a day to explore the gardens.

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