Reading rates high with CDSBEO
Ontario. Results for Grade 6 for CDSBEO stu- dents with special education needs showed 66 per cent achievement compared to the provincial average of 47 per cent. In the Grade 9 mathematics assessment the EQAO rated 60 per cent for meeting or beating the provincial standard for CDS- BEO students with special education needs while the provincial average was 37 per cent. The Grade 10 literacy test score was 33 per cent achievement for CDSBEO special education needs students while the provin- cial average is 18 per cent.
The CDSBEO has developed a Numeracy Action Plan (NAP) to help staff with improv- ing mathematics skills in students. The dis- trict is also working on other policies and programs like after-school homework clubs to support improvements in student lan- guage arts and mathematics skills. Gartland also noted excellent results in the EQAO report for the CDSBEO’s special education needs sector of its student popu- lation. Among Grade 3 students 61 per cent met or exceeded the provincial standard compared to a 40 per cent average for all of
their potential in literacy given sufficient time and support.” The report to the CDSBEO board also credited the current policy stressing use of up-to-date technology at the classroom- level to support student learning. “Technology, combined with good in- struction,” stated a CDSBEO news report, “enables students to access and use infor- mation, analyze content, work with ideas, synthesize thoughts, and communicate their thinking.” The EQAO results for the CDSBEO
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
BROCKVILLE | Reading scores high marks among students at Catholic English scho- ols in Eastern Ontario. Trustees for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) enjoyed a positive report from administra-
“We can see movement in some of the areas that re- late directly to the strategies in our Strategic Plan, such as practicing our shared belief that all students can reach their potential in lit- eracy given sufficient time and support.”
tion about the latest provincial Education Quality and Account- ability Office (EQAO) results for elemen- tary students within the school district’s jurisdiction. Reading and writing scores were assessed for the 2013-2014 school year at both the Grades 3 and 6 levels, with CDSBEO results
Prudence à bord des autobus
show Grade 3 stu- dents scoring 73 per cent and 82 per cent competency and understanding with reading and writ- ing, compared to the provincial aver- ages of 70 per cent for reading and 78 per cent for writing.
surpassing the provincial average while the results in mathematics put Eastern Ontar- io’s English Catholic elementary grades in a close match with the rest of Ontario. “When we look closely at the data,” stated William J. Gartland, CDSBEO education di- rector, “we can see movement in some of the areas that relate directly to the strate- gies in our Strategic Plan, such as practicing our shared belief that all students can reach
The Grade 6 results for reading and writing were 83 per cent and 84 per cent compared to the provincial averages of 79 per cent and 78 per cent. For mathematics, the CDSBEO Grade 3 score was 65 per cent compared to the pro- vincial average of 67 per cent. The Grade 6 score showed improvement with the CDS- BEO at 57 per cent compared to the provin- cial average of 54 per cent.
Land Titles Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ABSOLUTE TITLE (Subsection 46(2) of the Act) Re: PIN 60166-0058 (LT) TO : MCNAIRN, Hester Agnes, MCNAIRN, Robert Harvey, BILLINGTON, Edith Roberta and HODGE, MargaretWilson and/orThe Personal Representative of his/her estate or his/her heirs at law or any party having title interest in the lands under application RE : Part of P.I.N. 60166-0058(LT), being Lot 8, S/S First Street; Part of Lots 7 & 9, S/S First Street; Part of Lots 7, 8 & 9, N/S Water Street, Plan Cornwall, in the City of Cornwall, County of Stormont, designated as Part 1 on a draft Reference Plan, signed by André P. Barrette, O.L.S. on July 30, 2014. The said plan is attached to a Notice of Application for Absolute Title registered as Instrument Number ST66855 on October 2nd, 2014 and is available for inspection at the Land Registry Office or the office of the Solicitor for the Applicant: Stormont Land Registry Office No. 52 Solicitor for the Applicant Ministry of Government Services Michel Parisien 720 – 14th StreetWest, Unit 2 WOODS PARISIEN Cornwall, Ontario 200-115 Main Street East K6J 5T9 Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 1A1 TAKE NOTICE THAT THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF CORNWALL , herein called the applicant intends to apply to be registered as the owner with an absolute title to the above described land. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT any person claiming to have any title to or interest in the said land or any part of it is required on or before (date at least 30 days after the registration of this notice and the publication of notices) November 21st, 2014 to file a statement of objection, which sets out the nature and extent of the interest claimed in the objection, together with all evidence, documents or legal provisions and precedents relied upon in support of the objection, directed to the land registrar at the address of the solicitor at the following address: 200-115 Main Street East, Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 1A1. If no such statement of objection is filed by November 21st, 2014, I will proceed with the application and any interest you may claim in the subject property may be thereby extinguished and you will not be entitled to receive any further notice with respect to the proceedings. DATED at Hawkesbury, Ontario, this 14th day of October, 2014. Solicitor for the Applicant Michel Parisien WOODS PARISIEN 200-115 Main Street East Hawkesbury, Ontario K6A 1A1
Le 6 octobre dernier, l’ É cole élémentaire publique Rose-des-Vents a reçu la visite de deux animateurs de la compagnie Intertrain, qui ont présenté le contenu du pro- gramme de prudence à bord de l’autobus. Dans cette présentation, les enfants ont pris conscience de l›importance de la sécurité à bord de nos autobus et, par des pré- sentations interactives, ils se sont sensibilisés aux règles à suivre. En photo, Bianca Pommier, Miguel Dupuis et Julie Patenaude.
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