October 2023 - Proaudio Magazine - Sound Press

PSP: Shifting gears to your fitness journey, how did you get started in fitness? Neo Dimati: Since primary school, I’ve been involved in physical/sports activities. As an adult, I maintained high levels of fitness which prompted inquiries from others. I then arranged sessions to showcase and train people on various body weight techniques. That's how Gladiator Fitness Club SA was born in 2015.

Neo Dimati: Being fit enhances not only your looks but also your mind and spirit. A strong and sharp DJ makes for a formidable DJ. Start today and be great tomorrow!

PSP: Who are some of your favorite South African DJs and tracks?

Neo Dimati: Some of my favorites include Pierre Johnson, Chronical Deep, Artworks, Gabanna, SunElMusician, China Chameleon, Latique, and Merlon. I particularly love tracks like "All in You" by Senior Oat, "Ambedo" by Pierre Johnson, and "IntoIngawe" by SunElMusician. PSP: Looking ahead, what are your thoughts on the future of DJing in South Africa? Neo Dimati: With a rising interest, especially among the youth, DJing is becoming a popular career choice. This surge will make it harder to distinguish the artists from the job seekers, but it will also keep craft makers on their toes, refining their skills.

PSP: What are your favorite types of workouts?

Neo Dimati: I thoroughly enjoy functional training, calisthenics, and aerobics.

PSP: Incorporating DJing and fitness sounds interesting. How do you do it?

Neo Dimati: Aerobics, being music- entailed, aligns well with DJing as they both produce an element of enjoyment.

PSP: How does fitness assist you in being a better DJ?

PSP: Finally, what are your plans for the future?

Neo Dimati: Fitness enhances my appeal, reduces stress, and induces energy, all of which contribute to a better performance as a DJ.

Neo Dimati: My plans are to keep improving the quality of my playlist choices, increase the volume of love, and dance endlessly as each day transitions into a new song.

PSP: Any advice for fellow DJs interested in fitness?


sound press | October 2023

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