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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 ENCHÈRES D’ART La période d’enchères est maintenant ouverte pour la vente aux enchères silencieuse en ligne Art et arbres de la Conservation de la Nation-Sud (CNS). Les fonds provenant de la vente aux enchères d’œuvres d’art contribueront à soutenir le programme de plantation d’arbres de la SNC. Plus de deux douzaines d’artistes locaux et régionaux ont fourni des œuvres pour le projet. La vente aux enchères virtuelle a lieu sur le site www.32auctions.com/artfortrees, et la période d’enchères se termine le 29 octobre. – Gregg Chamberlain EXÉCUTIF DU SDCPR La Société de développement commu- nautaire de Prescott-Russell (SDCPR) a choisi son exécutif pour l’année fiscale 2020-2021. Éric Drouin a été réélu président du conseil d’administration de la SDCPR lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle de septembre, tandis qu’Éric Charlebois a été réélu vice-président. Christine Bonneau O’Neill a été réélue secrétaire-trésorière. – Gregg Chamberlain CDSBEO SCHOOLS REPORT The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) reviewed a report during its October 6 meeting on results for its provincial School Renewal and School Condition Improvement funding. The 2019-2020 term, despite the pandemic, saw more than 70 critical improvement projects finished on school buildings and other facilities throughout the CDSBEO region. Some projects involved upgrades to all schools to meet public health safety needs for students and staff when they returned to class in September, including installation of hand-sanitizer dispensers, plexiglass barriers, water-bottle filling stations, and directional signage to help maintain social distancing. – Gregg Chamberlain UCDSB STUDENT TRUSTEES The Upper Canada District School Board confirmed its student trustees for the 2020-2021 term. Tain Hughes of Smith Falls District Collegiate Institute and Jordan Evans of Tagwi Secondary will represent the interests of UCDSB students at the district board. Hughes will chair the UCDSB Student Senate meetings with Evans as vice-chair.– Gregg Chamberlain
STEPHEN JEFFERY stephen.jeffery@eap.on.ca
Russell councillors will discuss ways to honour the memory of beloved local tee- nager Jonathan Pitre at the township’s budget sessions later this month. Pitre, who died in 2018 aged 17, was born with epidermolysis bullosa, a condition that makes skin extremely fragile and prone to blisters. Also known as the “Butterfly Boy,” his bravery and commitment to raising BXBSFOFTTPGFBSOFEQMBVEJUTGSPN1SJNF Minister Justin Trudeau through to the Ottawa Senators, who named a development camp award in his honour. Councillor Cindy Saucier moved to name UIF&NCSVOEPHQBSLBGUFS1JUSFBOEIJT faithful Boston Terrier, Gibson, on Monday night’s council meeting. She moved the motion after the council’s application for a grant to build an accessible park to be named after Pitre was rejected. “His dog was really a service dog to Jonathan, and I thought it would be a nice thing [to rename the park],” she said. “I don’t think we’re rushing it by waiting three years, I think it’s long overdue. Other communities have honoured Jonathan and he was our boy. He lived here, he went to school here, and I think it’s time we do something.” Mayor Pierre Leroux agreed council nee- ded to honour Pitre, but suggested that other options be discussed during the coming budget sessions. He said funding could
Le Canton de Russell réfléchira à la manière de rendre hommage à Jonathan Pitre, photographié ici avec sa mère Tina Boileau. — photo d’archives
come locally for an accessibility park even though the grant was rejected. i/PX UIBUXFLOPX UIBU UIFHSBOUXBT turned down, there’s nothing stopping us from putting it in the budget and having that accessible park done next year,” he said. “I’ve let [Pitre’s mother Tina Boileau] know that we had been tossing around the idea of an accessible park or perhaps a rink being named after him. She would be honoured with whatever council chose.” Councillor Jamie Laurin said it did not make sense to decide on the dog park prior to budget meetings, but suggested that any Homeowners can set a bowl or box of individually bagged treats outside their front door. Parents escorting their children around Halloween est dans quelques semaines. Cette fête annuelle pourrait être une fête très différente en raison de la pandémie Des directives provinciales sont attendues.
approved project be advertised as soon as possible to the wider community. “If we decide that it’s going to be a park or if we decide that it’s going to be one of the arenas that goes in, that we immediately look at putting up a billboard ... that says ‘future site of Jonathan Pitre Arena,’ or ‘Jona- than Pitre Accessible Park,’ or something to that effect,” he said. All councillors agreed to defer the dog park resolution until the first meeting in /PWFNCFS BGUFSBMUFSOBUJWFQSPKFDUTIBE been discussed in budget sessions. container and then leave. This method would avoid any close contact between children and treat givers. Community Halloween parties for children may not be possible this year if the munici- palities or community groups that organize such events are not able to ensure social distancing and other pandemic public health protocols. Private parties for Halloween would also be subject to current provincial restrictions on large gatherings of people. 5IF&0)6BOEPUIFSSFHJPOBMIFBMUIVOJUT expect to receive guidelines soon from the provincial government concerning public and private gatherings for holiday events this year like Halloween, Remembrance Day and Christmas.
)"7&"$07*%4"'&)"--08&&/"70*%1"35*&4&0)6 GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Halloween is a couple weeks away but celebrations for this year’s haunted holiday may be very different from past years thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. “I’m less worried about trick-or-treating,” said Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, chief medical PGàDFSGPSUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 i*NNPSFXPSSJFEBCPVU)BMMPXFFO parties.” During one of his recent teleconferences with regional media, Dr. Roumeliotis noted that social distancing as part of trick-or-trea- ting might still be possible if a “grab-and-go” approach is adopted for the occasion.
the neighbourhood for trick or treating can either collect the treat bags themselves or let their children each pick up their bag from the
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