FMN | March 30th, 2020

Packaging Trends (Cont’d from Page 10)

Flexo Market News

consumers — especially younger age groups — are inclined to go shopping for groceries more frequen- cy, in smaller quantities.This has driven growth within the convenience store retailing, as well as boosting de- mand for more convenient, smaller size formats. Consumers are taking a greater interest in their own health matters, leading to healthier lifestyles.Therefore this is boosting demand for packaged goods, such as healthy foods and beverages (e.g. gluten-free, organic/ natural, portion controlled) alongside non-prescrip- tion medicines and nutritional supplements. Brand owner trends The internationalization of many brands within the fast-moving consumer goods industry continues to rise, as companies seek out new high-growth sectors and markets.Increased exposure westernized lifestyles will accelerate this process in key growth economies through to 2028. E-commerce and the globalization of international trade is also stimulating a demand among brand own- ers for components, like RFID labels and smart tags, to protect against counterfeit goods, and enable better monitoring of their distribution. Industry consolidation in merger and acquisition ac- tivity in end-use sectors such as food, beverages, cos- metics, is also forecast to continue. As more brands come under the control of one owner, their packaging strategies are likely to become consolidated. The 21st Century consumer is less brand loyal.This is simulating an interest in customized or versioned packaging and packaging solutions that can create an impact with them.Digital (inkjet and toner) printing is providing a key means to do this,with higher through- put printers dedicated for packaging substrates now seeing their first installations.This further aligns with the desire for integrated marketing, with packaging providing a gateway to link into social media. Flexo Fundamentals Postponed To Later Date OMET and All Press Resources (APR) have decided to postpone the Flexo Fundamentals seminar due to safety concerns on the COVID-19 virus. The first joint seminar of the two companies, Flexo Fundamentals, will be held at the APR head- quarters and will present a visit to the OMET facili- ty where a seven-color flexo job will be performed on OMET XJET powered by Durst.The hybrid print- ing system combines an OMET XFLEX X6 430 and Durst Tau RSC.

Eaglewood Technologies, LLC

Eaglewood Technologies provides the award-winning Sitexco Laser Systems, Sanilox ™ Systems and Sani- Blast ™ Mobile Service. Sitexco Laser Systems are the latest technology in anilox roll cleaning and are perfect for packaging and label printers. Sanilox ™ Systems are the global standard of reliable, environmentally safe anilox roll cleaning. Sani-Blast ™ cleaning service has been cleaning rolls for over 20 years and offer several cleaning options to minimize downtime. Flint Group ZZZÁLQWJUSFRP Flint Group Flexographic Products develops, man- ufacturers and markets an extensive portfolio of SULQWLQJ FRQVXPDEOHV LQFOXGLQJ Q\ORÁH[ ® photopoly- mer printing plates and processing equipment, and dayCorr ® die-cutting blankets and anvil covers. With a strong customer focus, unmatched service and support, and superior products, Flint Group strives to provide exceptional value, consistent quality and continuous innovation to customers around the world. Harper Corporation of America  :H·YHPDGH FHUDPLF DQLOR[ UROOV ORQJHU WKDQ DQ\ - one in the world and pride ourselves on being the best in the world. Whether wide web, narrow web, newspaper, or corrugated markets, Harper continu- RXVO\VWULYHVWREULQJQHZÁH[RJUDSKLFSURGXFWVDQG services to the printing industry that will improve the

quality of your graphics. J I MacWilliam Co., Inc.


KBA-Flexotecnica – Get the Edge ZZZNEDÁH[RWHFQLFDFRPHQ

  )OH[RWHFQLFD·V SDWHQWHG 6DIH 6OHHYH &KDQJH ® system and Speedy Clean ® auto washup system are designed to give converters a competitive edge WKURXJK)OH[RWHFQLFD·V FRPPLWPHQWWRUHVHDUFKDQG development. Sales, service and support for Flexo- tecnica presses is provided by KBA North America, Inc. in Dallas, Texas with U.S. resident technicians, an extensive spare parts inventory and an experi- enced, dedicated service staff.

12 March 30, 2020 Flexo Market News

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