Fitness Together Moorseville March 2018

What ’s on the Get Real 30 Menu?

At the beginning of the year, we saw a great deal of success during our Get Real 30 Nutrition Challenge. Participants achieved outstanding results thanks to their dedication and support of one another. However, it’s important to recognize that physical fitness is only part of the process when it comes to positive transformation. During Get Real 30, we also employed a special nutrition plan. The plan instructed participants to stick to whole foods, filling their diets with fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, and healthy fats, like avocados. At the same time, participants cut out added sugar, dairy, grains, and legumes. If this menu sounds familiar, it’s because our nutrition plan follows many of the guidelines encouraged by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, the minds behind the popular Whole30 program.

When told not to eat dairy, grains, and legumes, some people scratched their heads. “Aren’t milk, whole grains, and beans good for us?” you might ask. While it’s true these foods can be good in moderation, they can also be damaging to your overall health if you have a food sensitivity. If you have been drinking milk all your life, you might not know that’s why you still have the acne of a high school sophomore. Or, maybe you’re unaware that bread leaves you feeling sluggish. After you spend 30 days cleansing these foods from your system, you can slowly start to reintroduce them to your diet. As you do so, you can identify which foods trigger a negative reaction. One of the most interesting aspects of our Get Real 30 diet is that it’s not meant to be used as a weight loss diet at all. While most people do lose quite a few inches eating like this, the key is to

create long- term habits for healthy eating. Breaking your sugar addiction

this month keeps you away from the candy machine for

the rest of the year. Plus, you’re able to learn how to plan healthy lunches, like chicken salad with bacon and scallions, instead of ending up at the fast-food window every day. Healthy transformations should last a lifetime. If you want to learn how to get involved in our next Get Real 30 Nutrition Challenge, call 704-658-1522. The next challenge kicks off in April, so sign up before you miss out!




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