Hope Tribute Gardens

Remembering Loved Ones The word memorial is closely related to the word memory . After a loss, many of us feel motivated to create a memorial as a special way of remembering someone we love. Through this acknowledgment, we reaffirm that our loved ones remain in our hearts, and we honor our lasting bond. Hope’s Tribute Gardens offer a sacred space for remembrance, quiet reflection and relaxation. Surrounded by natural beauty, our guests and visitors will find a place of peace and refuge within this healing sanctuary. In this booklet, you will find many ways to honor or remember your loved ones. A lasting tribute – such as an engraved stone or bench – can be placed in one of our gardens as a sign of your ongoing devotion. Your dedication item will become a permanent part of the Hope Tribute Gardens. Through these memorial gifts, we are able to fulfill our charitable mission. Please contact us directly to learn more about your options for personalization.

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