Evan Money January/February 2019


just stand up. Do some jumping jacks at your desk or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in a parking space that’s farther away — GASP! Have you ever noticed that when people go to the gym to walk on the treadmill, many of them (me included) will take an extra five minutes to drive around and get a closer parking space. It’s silly but true. Too often, we overestimate what can be done in a day and underestimate what we can do in six months. And that’s why many of us “take action” entrepreneurs sign up for a Spartan race, Tough Mudder, or other extreme event, thinking we can catch up all at once on our health. However, if we just took the stairs every work day, we would be 100 times more healthy. No offense to you extreme racers out there — my bride did a Spartan race and had a great experience, apart from all the mud in the car. To paraphrase the great Zig Ziglar, hurricanes and tornados get all the news, but termites do 10 TIMES the damage every year. They take such teeny tiny bites, so it seems impossible they could do any kind of harm, yet they are so consistent. It’s the same with our body movement. Taking the stairs may seem like a tiny bite, but in the long run, it will produce massive health benefits. It’s a great no-brainer way to keep your waters stirred. What other no-brainer ways can you think of to keep your waters stirred? For me, it’s walks with the kids and the dog. When my son comes into the office with a question, we do jumping jacks together. Whatever you come up with, do it consistently and watch what happens.


Stir Your Waters

What happens to stagnant water? If you have a swimming pool, fish tank, or even a small desktop water feature, you know all too well. According to a popular water damage website, the longer water is stagnant, the more hazardous to your health it becomes, and the cleanup becomes more extreme. Now let me ask you this: What is your body mostly made of? So what do think happens when you sit all day? The longer you sit, the more hazardous to your health it becomes, and the cleanup becomes more extreme. So what is the solution? MOVE! Stir your waters. You don’t have to join a gym, run a marathon, or do a Spartan race;



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