ULTIMATE SERVICES & SITE COSTS‡ Sometimes it’s the things you can’t see that make all the difference. Our included site costs and services are for sites with a balanced cut and fill of up to 1m fall over the site (500mm cut and 500mm fill).
Sewer connection up to 8m to a junction within the property boundary
Free site inspection and new home proposal
Roof stormwater collection and connection to closest legal point, up to 8m
Balanced cut and fill of up to 1m fall over the site (500mm cut and 500mm fill) to achieve a level building platform
Up to 8m underground power connection to existing turret (if applicable)
Development Application and Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate application and inspection fees
Connection to existing water service connection point located within 8m of the property boundary
Machine hire and labour for drilling and pouring of pier holes
Site security fencing up to 40 lineal metres
Concrete piering up to a metre deep
All-weather access point up to 10m
Single visit concrete pump for piers and single visit concrete pump for slab
Sediment control fence
Initial appointment with experienced colours & selections consultant
Surveyor’s fees for one peg out and identification survey
‡ Included Site Costs are subject to Site Inspection and Local Council Requirements. Site costs exclude ( where required ) Drop Edge Beams, Garage Step Down, Import of Fill or Export of Spoil, additional Contours, Site and Unit Reports, Bushfire Reports, RMS/Traffic Control, Hydraulic Engineering and associated supply & installation costs, and any Statutory Reports required by your 10.7 Planning Certificate or 88b. Client to apply for retail phone account & connection after handover, no allowance for connection fees are included.
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