2019 Earthwatch Research Expedition Guide






30. LIONS AND THEIR PREY IN KENYA’S MAASAI MARA The triumphant return of the king of the jungle to the Kenyan savanna has been linked to declines in threatened antelope populations. Work alongside local farmers to investigate how agricultural strategies can mitigate lion predation on threatened species and livestock. Study the relationship between lions, their prey, and cattle in Kenya’s iconic Maasai Mara. You can also observe elephants, giraffes, zebras, and other wildlife within this ecoystem. ACTIVITY LEVEL: Easy DURATION: 14 days FIELDING MONTHS: Feb., Jul., Aug., Sep. U.S.: $3,895 | U.K.: £2,900

29. ELEPHANTS AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN KENYA Sub-Saharan Africa is home to one of the largest wild things on earth: elephants. As these ecosystem engineers wander and graze, they can damage crops essential to farmers, putting elephants and humans in direct conflict. Travel to southeast Kenya and work alongside scientists to conserve the land and its resources while using the latest methods in sustainable agriculture and forestry. Test elephant “repellents” like chili peppers and beehives to help support the farmers’ quest to sustainably coexist with the wildlife of Africa. ACTIVITY LEVEL: Easy DURATION: 12 days FIELDING MONTHS: Jun., Jul., Aug., Oct., Nov. U.S.: $2,995 | U.K.: £2,225



31. ANIMALS OF MALAWI IN THE MAJETE WILDLIFE RESERVE Poaching and habitat destruction once reduced Malawi’s wildlife populations to near extinction. But in recent years, the government has reintroduced iconic species such as the black rhinoceros, leopard, and lion to former reserve lands in this major rewilding effort. Step into the shoes of a wildlife conservationist in one of the best-managed parks in Malawi as you roam the landscape to survey wildlife populations. The data collected are critical to helping managers improve and maintain the health of this African ecosystem, and the community that is now benefiting from increasing tourism. ACTIVITY LEVEL: Moderate DURATION: 12 days FIELDING MONTHS: Jun., Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct., Nov., Dec. U.S.: $3,725 | U.K.: £2,775



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