
It’s here.

Upgrade to Bell Fibe Internet today and get: • Fast download and upload speeds, enough for everyone in your home 1 • Generous usage every month • Fast and powerful Wi-Fi modem, included at no cost • McAfee ® -powered security services included – the best protection on the market 2 The best Internet combo on the market is now available in your neighbourhood.

42 95/MO. PLUS: SAVE AN EXTRA $24 IN YOUR FIRST 3 MONTHS.** A one-time $49.95activation fee applies. **Applies to full billing periods 4 in a bundle. 3 $


1 866 856-9636 • Visit a Bell store •

Current as of March 31, 2014. Offer ends May 31, 2014. Available to residential customers in Ontario, where access and technology permit. E-billing is provided at no cost, paper billing is available for $2/month. Modem rental required; one-time modem rental fee waived for new customers. 30-day notice required to cancel service. Fibe Internet 5/1: data usage 20 GB/mo.; $4/additional GB (max. $80/mo.) – actual speeds will vary depending on the distance between the customer’s modem and switching equipment from Bell: up to 5 Mbps download speeds and min. 680 Kbps and max. 1 Mbps upload speeds. Subject to change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offer. Taxes extra. Other conditions apply. Any portion of the Bell Bundle Program may be modified, discontinued or terminated at any time. Bell is not obligated to provide the Bundle Discount for the duration of any term contract for Eligible Services, including the Discountable Services; see (1) Speed and signal strength may vary with your configuration, Internet traffic, server, environmental conditions or other factors; see (2) Good package only. No service provides absolute protection. (3) Available to new customers and current dial-up customers with an account in good standing who continuously subscribe to a bundle with Bell Fibe Internet 5/1 and at least one other select service (Bell TV or Home Phone). $42.95 monthly rate in a bundle: monthly rate $46.95 ($51.95 as of June 1, 2014 subject to change), less $4 bundle discount. $24 saving: $8/mo credit for 3 full billing periods. (4) Promotional credit of $8/mo. will apply to your first full 30-day billing period and for each full billing period after that, for the duration of your promotion. Your billing period may not start on the day you subscribe to our services. Regular price (without credit) will apply for services delivered prior to your first full 30-day billing period or if you terminate the services during a 30-day billing period. Fibe is a trademark of Bell Canada.

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