MY - SG - LIA - 201710


Creating Teams That Won’t Let Each Other Fail If there is one thing that Executive Director 6 Jasmine Mohan can attribute her growth and current achievements to-it is an amazing team. When she set out to rebuild her business in 2015, she knew very well that she needed a strong team and by strong, she wasn’t looking at a team that could enroll the highest number of customers or run the most presentations. She was looking to measure what mattered most–teamwork.

and it also gives you a chance to learn from so many people in the team,” she says. One of the other key ingredients to creating a strong team is continuous learning, according to Jasmine. “Continuous learning is so important in our business,” she says. Learning keeps one relevant, and relevance is key in the business we are in. Jasmine creates a platform for her team to be updated on current business trends over and above Melaleuca’s Critical Activities and products that is updated several times daily. The team has events that helps them learn more about the products, as well as educational events that help each team member improve their lifestyle. These events cover a myriad of areas and topics such as healthy eating, financial management and many more, and help her team to relate back to the products. Jasmine believes that building a successful Melaleuca business also involves a high degree of social intelligence, sense making, cross cultural competency and many other soft skills. Melaleuca’s business opportunity is founded around a human-powered business model, so it is vital that one understands a broader perspective of wellness to ensure relevance when they are connecting with potential customers or business builders. If there was one thing she has achieved in the last two years, it is a solid team that is focused not only on the destination but on the journey. “If I have learned anything during this time, it’s that in order to get the results we’re looking for, it’s important to enjoy the process,” she says. Her recent advancement comes as a result of strategic leadership and teamwork but Jasmine attributes her success to her team members – Senior Director 4 Jennifer Lam, Director 7 Gayatri Pillay, Director 6 April Joseph, Director 4 Amy Wong, Director 3 Eric So and Director 3 Lee Siew Fang. With her eyes set on reaching National Director and beyond, Jasmine’s primary focus is in building a solid team that grows and flourishes together.


Jasmine knew from day one that the biggest challenge above all as a leader, is being held accountable to doing the things you set out to do. When you are building a Melaleuca business, you are a business owner which means you are essentially your own boss. Accountability is the willingness to take 100% responsibility for your own actions, and disclose the results in a transparent manner. It’s simple: to be accountable to a team, a leader needs to be clear about what they plan to do, execute the activities, and let the team know when it’s done. That’s exactly what Jasmine did. In January 2017, everyone in her team sat down to set their goals. They drew up their goals and wrote down the activities that were required to achieve them. Not only was it a great way to begin the year, but it also set her team’s attitude and culture for the rest of the year. “We reviewed our goals every quarter and our activities weekly. While not everyone has achieved their goals but having set them at the start of the year saw the team work towards a common goal. Each team member sets their own goals and charts their own timeline. I find that if people set their own goals and dictate their own pace, there is a higher chance that they’ll work towards it without feeling pressured,” says Jasmine. The team also has a culture of reporting accountability daily, and progress is tracked on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. “Everyone in the team knows that if they miss out on reporting their activities for 2 days in a row, they are removed from the chat group,” Jasmine explains, noting that this rule helped to ensure each team member stay on progress. She continues, “We review our weekly activities when we meet every week. I schedule weekly meet-ups with my personals on a one to one basis, where we have the opportunity to review the activities or the lack of it, and see how we can improve. Most importantly, these weekly sessions with my personals also gave them the opportunity to discuss the challenges they’re going through and see how I can help them overcome it.” Consistency in keeping her team engaged and accountable to their goals propelled Jasmine’s business to Executive Director 6 in May 2017. To create a culture of accountability, the first thing that Jasmine created was a culture of functional interdependency amongst her team. This plainly means that everyone works together and leverages on each other’s strengths rather than being focused on just their personals alone. “Sometimes working in silos limits one’s perspective. Teamwork overcomes that. It expands your view on how you might perceive certain things or approach certain situations,

Jasmine Mohan



14 OCTOBER 2017



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