MY - SG - LIA - 201710

A P U R P O S E - D R I V E N M A R K E T P L A C E

the Power of WHY

time freedom to spend with loved ones, rather than saying you know a way they can earn some extra money. The key is to go beyond what we sell and focus on why it will matter to your customer. Sharing a Purpose Rather Than Selling a Product When you focus on the shared value of enhancing lives, it becomes a lot easier to pick up the phone and make your four daily phone calls. You’re no longer worried about trying to sell someone a product; instead you’re sharing a solution with them based on needs/beliefs you know they value. This shift in attitude also matters to your customer too. As the saying goes, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” When you focus on a shared value or solution, you’re letting people know you care about them and their goals, and you’re more interested in helping them than you are in making a sale. Creating LifelongCustomers&Business Builders The key to any healthy, thriving business is not large single orders, but consistent repeat purchases. The same is true for Melaleuca. And the health of our company is evidenced in our 96% month-to-month customer reorder rate. But what makes a customer order fromMelaleuca or any company month after month? According to a yearlong study by Aaron Lotton at Corporate Executive Board, the key to cus- tomer loyalty is shared values. 3 Customers make repeat purchases fromMelaleuca be- cause they connect with our focus of enhancing lives. When they order a bag of Mountain Cabin Organic Sumatra , they aren’t just purchasing a bag of coffee. They’re participating in a unique business model that allows them to enhance lives, whether it’s their life, their enroller, a farmer in a foreign country, or the future generations who will have a healthier planet thanks to our sustainable practices. It’s the same reason customers share Melaleuca with those they love. It’s not just about earning some extra money each month—they want to be a part of a company that helps As a Melaleuca customer, you’ve seen the difference Me- laleuca makes in your life. You’ve also heard stories from many other customers and business builders whose lives are better thanks to Melaleuca, including the Marketing Executives featured in this magazine every month. Now the question becomes, who can you help? Who were the people you thought of while you were reading this article? Write down at least 20 of their names and add them to your contact list. Then approach them through phone calls, personal contact, or digital communications and schedule a firm appointment on your calendar. Don’t overthink it. Remember, you’re focusing on their “why” and how Mela- leuca can be a solution for them. You can do it when you’re powered by purpose. people reach their goals. Who Can You Help?

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” —Simon Sinek

it comes to enhancing lives, we believe this should apply to more than just our customers—it should apply to every per- son who interacts withMelaleuca. And we aren’t alone in this belief. A recent survey by Datassential found that 45% of Millennials view a business more favor-

Darrin Johnson, Senior VP of Sales

A t my home, I have a bag of Moun- tain Cabin™ Organic Sumatra cof- fee sitting on the kitchen counter. I love the rich, full-bodied flavor of this roast. I also like that it’s competitively priced with other premium coffee brands. But as important as price and quality are when it comes to coffee, I know the real reason customers purchase Mountain Cabin Coffee , or any product from Melaleuca, has less to do with product features and more to do with the purpose behind every product we produce. Here at Melaleuca we believe in enhancing lives. This belief powers every decision we make from the products we sell to the way we compensate our Market- ing Executives. Our company is powered by purpose and it’s one of the key reasons we’re seeing record-breaking growth in today’s

ably if it offers sustainable coffee. This is just one example of how Melaleuca lives our purpose and how it puts you, as a Melaleuca Marketing Executive, in the prime position to offer consumers what they already want. The key is focusing your approach on the “why” behind Melaleuca’s unique products and business plan and helping potential customers see how it aligns with their “why.” Approaching with the “Why” What does it mean to approach with the “why”? Brand strate- gist and bestselling author Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” In other words, you don’t need a long technical presentation or the perfect phone pitch to share Melaleuca. You just need to communicate Me- laleuca’s purpose of enhancing lives, share how the products or business opportunity have enhanced your life, and tell your prospective customer how you think it can enhance their life. For example, if you’re talking with a family of young kids then you would focus on the “why” of having a safer home rather than simply telling them about products that are bleach-free. Or you might share with a friend a way they can have more 1.LarryKoffler,“2014BrandPurposeLookAhead—PowerofParticipationPlatforms,”Edelman,January8,2014. 2.“TopscoringMeaningfulBrandsenjoyaShareofWallet46%higherthan lowperformers,”HavasMedia,April28,2015. 3.AaronLotton,“WhatAreConsumersReallyLoyalTo?,”CEB,October23,2009.

marketplace. A Purpose-Driven Marketplace

Now more than ever, people aren’t just looking for quality products. They’re looking for a company they can identify with, one whose values and purpose are in line with their own values and purpose. A recent consumer study of over 11,000 customers in eight different countries found that 91% of consumers want to do business with a company that shares their values or purpose. 1 And they’re backing up this desire with their purchases. The 2015 Meaningful Brands Survey found that purpose-driven brands—those that go beyond the product to increase the well-being of customers and society—outperform the stock market by 133 percent! 2 If ever there were a company that increased individual and societal well-being, it’s Melaleuca. Let’s go back to that bag of coffee sitting on my kitchen counter. Melaleuca doesn’t just produce good-tasting coffee at affordable prices. We take the concept of enhancing lives and apply it to every step of our business, starting with the purchase of coffee that is fairly sourced. This means we only source coffee from farmers who fairly compensate their workers and use envi- ronmentally sustainable farming practices. Because when

58 OCTOBER 2017



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