Reflections-2017-Edition 1-REV3-Web

What Does Marketing Success Look Like? By: Diana Lovshe

I f I had a U.S. dollar for every time someone asked me this question through my career, I’d be a millionaire by now. However, I was never given a U.S. dollar every time someone asked me this question, so here I am! With much delight, I landed in Waco, Texas, at Glass Doctor® in August 2016, and I am blessed every day to help Glass Doctor work toward answering this important question. So, what does marketing success look like? Is it the number of website visitors? Is it the number of calls to your locations? Is it the number of views of an online ad? Or, is it the number of times Glass Doctor is appearing in organic search? I believe marketing success looks like these items combined; however, ultimately success defined by is the accomplishment of goals. If we use this definition, I must say that Glass Doctor had marketing success in 2016!


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