

Grim news in OPP traffic fatality review

Une étude effectuée par la police sur les statistiques des accidentsmortels de circulation pour l’Ontario, en 2016, contient de sombres nouvelles.

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involved large commercial transport trucks compared with 2015. Most fatalities resulting from such incidents still involved drivers and passengers in a smaller vehicle which collided with a transport truck. There were fewer collisions involvingmo- torcycles last year but the average number of deaths resulting from that type of incident remains at the same level. Speed and loss of control were the common factors. The number of pedestrian deaths in traffic fatality incidents is greater for 2016 at 39 compared to 2015 with 25. Marine deaths

The OPP have some grim statistics in its 2016 Annual Traffic Data Review for the province. The year-end report indicates an increase in the number of fatalities in almost every type of traffic incident cate- gory, including both highway/public road and also off-road and marine situations. AnOPP news release on the report noted: “The most tragic snowmobile season in 14 years” for all of Ontario regarding fatalities. The 2016 traffic fatality total is 307, marking a four-year high for such inci- dents.The 2016 figure exceeds the previous year by five more deaths, while 2014 had the lowest number of deaths at 290 during the 2013-2016 period. The “Big Four” causes for traffic fatalities, both on and off-road, the report noted re- main: aggressive driving, distracted driving, drunk driving, and failure to use seatbelts. These four factors accounted for 165 traffic fatalities last year, more than half of the year’s total, and their frequency is comparable to past years. The OPP had fewer collision incidents to investigate last year, at 67,372 compared to 69,934 in 2015. But the number of fatalities resulting from collisions is greater than in the previous year at 275 in 2016 compared to 262 in 2015. The year-end report noted little difference in the number of collision incidents which

for 2016 are also higher with 23 fatali- ties resulting from 19 incidents, including seven which involved non-motorized ves- sels like canoes and kayaks. Falling over-

The “Big Four” causes for traffic fatalities aggressive driving, distracted driving, drunk driving, and failure to use seatbelts.

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board was the cause in nine such incidents, capsized or swamped vessels in seven, and alcohol was a factor in eight incidents. Fai- lure to wear a lifejacket or other such device was a factor for 19 of the 23 deaths. For off-road fatality cases, more than half of the 22 deaths were a result of alcohol or drug use while another nine involved victims who were not wearing helmets during a trail ride. The snowmobile fatality number for 2016 was 26, the highest number since the 2003/2004 season. During February 2016 there were 12 deaths in Ontario related to snowmobiles. Speeding, failure to pay atten- tion to the trail, and loss of control weremain factors for half of the snowmobile fatalities for the past winter season and 17 of the 26 victims were between the ages of 45 and 64.

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