

Let's play ball! PAGE 6

Des artistes de La Citadelle reconnus PAGE 8

April 13 avril 2016

V. 6 N. 21

Paddling to victory!

The Raisin River Canoe Race took place on April 10, much to the delight of the many participants who filled 175 canoes. PAGE 2

The water sure was cold! The Raisin River Canoe Race took place on April 10, much to the delight of the many participants who filled 175 canoes. The race is the longest of its kind in Eastern Ontario. First started in 1973, the 30km course runs from St. Andrews to Williamstown. The race is always held during the spring, when water levels are high and flows are favourable for paddlers. The fastest time out of all participants was recorded by Harold Walker and Pierre Brault, from the

Ottawa region, with a time of two hours, 32 minutes and five seconds. — photos by Doug Petepiece Paddling to victory

OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Le/The Journal in Cornwall has over 600 sq.ft. of open space for rent on first or second floor. Room for storage.

Central air conditioning. Parking. For more info or a visit, call Roger at 613-938-1433

LOCAL À LOUER Le/The Journal à Cornwall a un espace de 600 à louer au rez-de-chaussée ou au 2 e plancher. Espace additionnel pour

entreposage. Air climatisé central. Stationnement. Pour renseignements ou une visite, appeler Roger au 613-938-1433

Firefighters were kept busy, as they came to the rescue of some paddlers.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 13 avril 2016

Que de bons souvenirs

Dix-neuf élèves de l’École secondaire publique L’Héritage se sont envolés pour la Chine le mois dernier. Ci-haut, ceux-ci observent le paysage oriental.


bien différente là-bas, s’est exclamée Sophie- AnneMassie. Dans la rue, plusieurs résidents fumaient. Les cendres produites par leurs cigarettes tombaient partout. » Les élèves ont aussi visité plusieurs lieux historiques, dont la Grande Muraille de Chine, la Cité Interdite ainsi que la Tombe des soldats de terre cuite. «Notre visite de la Grande Muraille s’est déroulée à merveille, a expliqué Wendy Lalancette, conseillère en éducation à L’Héritage, responsable du

Une vingtaine d’étudiants de l’École secondaire publique L’Héritage ont récemment découvert la Chine. En effet, lors d’un voyage qui a eu lieu du 14 au 18mars dernier, ces élèves de tous les niveaux scolaires, accompagnés de deux enseignants, un parent et un chaperon, ont vécuune expérience extraordinaire à en juger

métier connexe – couvreuse Offert au Centre des métiers Minto – campus Alphonse-Desjardins 2TQITCOOGFG24Ǻ#224'06+55#)'FGUGOCKPGUUGWNGOGPVşМ Charpentière-menuisière Début : 11 juillet 2016

par les témoignages de quatre d’entre eux. « C’était une expérience totalement différente, a déclaré Amber Granger. Être à l’autre bout du monde, c’était vraiment différent. Chaque jour était intéressant. » Le groupe a visité les villes chinoises de Beijing, Xi’an et Shanghai, où ils ont participé à plusieurs

voyage. Les élèves ont bien aimé ça. C’était vraiment impressionnant. » La visite d’une école a surpris les jeunes de L’Héritage. « On est presque 200 élèves à notre école, a fait remarquer Nicholas Mondoux. L’école qu’on a visité en Chine en comptait 3600.» De plus, les étudiants de l’école

Malgré le fait qu’il ait dû faire le périple en béquilles, Nicholas Mondoux a été émerveillé par tout ce qu’il a pu découvrir dans ce pays occidental. « Tout est beaucoup plus coloré qu’ici, a-t-il affirmé. Même les panneaux routiers sont bien plus beaux. »

Comprend un stage chez des employeurs de différentes régions, dont Ottawa, Rockland, Orléans, Casselman et Hawkesbury. Programme idéal pour les femmes sans emploi ayant besoin d’une HQTOCVKQPRTȕRCTCVQKTGCƒPFGVTQWXGTWPGORNQKEQOOGCRRTGPVKG %QORTGPFNGUEGTVKƒECVKQPUUWKXCPVGUGPUCPVȕGVUȕEWTKVȕǪ SIMDUT | sensibilisation aux espaces clos | prévention des chutes | vérrouillage | santé et sécurité de base

activités et assisté à certains démonstrations qui leur ont permis d’enapprendredavantage sur la culture du l’empire du Milieu. Malgré le fait qu’il ait dû faire le périple en béquilles, Nicholas Mondoux a été émerveillé par tout ce qu’il a pu découvrir dans ce pays occidental. « Tout est beaucoup plus coloré qu’ici, a-t-il affirmé. Même les panneaux routiers sont bien plus beaux. » Les élèves ont également pu constater que tout n’est pas rose. « La propreté est

chinoise ont eu l’idée de démontrer leur savoir-faire à l’aide d’instruments de musique chinois. « On a bien apprécié leur prestation », a indiqué Mme Lalancette. « Nous organisons un voyage à chaque deux ans, a conclu la conseillère. Je regroupe donc un nombre d’élèves qui veulent y participer. Ensuite, on vote concernant l’endroit où nous irons. Les étudiants avaient voté 19 à 1 pour aller en Chine. »

Julie Laflamme / Recrutement de la clientèle – Métiers spécialisés et apprentissage ǪRQUVGǪ | | + D’INFO


The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Souper spaghetti pour l’Hospice Les Chevaliers de Colomb de la paroisse Ste Croix vous invitent à leur souper spaghetti pour l’Hospice, le 16 avril, de 16 h à 19 h au 108, rue Anthony, Cornwall. Venez déguster du bon spaghetti fait à lamaison, salade César et dessert. Des dons seront acceptés à la porte et tous les profits seront versés à l’Hospice de Cornwall. Indoor yard and bake sale The Cornwall Pentecostal Church is organizing an indoor yard and bake sale on April 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 208 Second Street East. Information: 613-937-3737. Centre Charles-Émile-Claude Soirée dansante au Centre Charles-Émile-Claude le 26 avril à 19 h. Danse en ligne, du lundi au jeudi de 13 h 30 à 15 h 30. Lundi et mercredi, session avancée, mardi et jeudi, session débutant. Information : 613-932-1035 Le Club Richelieu de Cornwall organise son 20 e tournoi annuel de golf le 3 juin prochain, au Club de golf Summerheights. Les joutes se termineront par un souper de homards à volonté. Information : Richard Lalonde, 613-932-4513, ou Michel Pilon, 613-937-0473. Moccasin Model Club The Moccasin Model Club at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, starting at 7:30 p.m. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome to attend. Information: 613-936-1660. Smart City Toastmasters Smart City Toastmasters Club offers the opportunity to learn communication skills and gives a practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the 1 st and 3 rd Wednesday of each month at the St. Lawrence College’s 3520 room. communautaire community link Le lien The Tournoi de golf du Club Richelieu

Illusionist Chris Pilsworth recently presented “A night of illusion with Chris Pilsworth”, at the Martintown Grand Hotel. The event was held in order to raise funds for the Cornwall Hospice. The night of illusion raised $7760.00 for the Cornwall Hospice. Pictured are Pilsworth, Carefor’s Sandy Colette, The Grand Hotel’s Marilyn Blackwood, Cornwall City Press’ Wend Grant and MC of the event, Dan Allaire. — supplied photo $7760 donation is no illusion

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President ROGER DUPLANTIE Directeur Général • General Manager FRANÇOIS BÉLAIR

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 13 avril 2016

La promenade d’honneur cherche des candidats et candidates Le comité organisateur de la promenade d’honneur est à la recherche de candidats qui pourraient devenir le prochain lauréat ou la prochaine lauréate à être inauguré en septembre. Rappelons que pour être choisi lauréat de la Promenade d’honneur, le récipiendaire doit avoir fait preuve de fierté envers sa langue et doit en avoir fait la promotion, tout en affichant fièrement ses couleurs et ses convictions. De plus, il doit être engagé activement dans sa communauté en organisant, en coordonnant ou en participant à diverses activités dans le milieu culturel, éducatif, sportif ou autre. Les intéressé peuvent soumettre une candidature par courriel à ou par la poste à Promenade d’honneur, à l’intention de François Bazinet, 15628 chemin de comté 43, Finch, Ontario, K0C 1K0. – Francis Racine


EST À LA RECHERCHE DE D’UN(E) CONSEILLER(ÈRE) EN PUBLICITÉ À CORNWALL La personne idéale sera une personne retraitée ou semi-retraitée qui possède beaucoup d’entregent et qui désire arrondir ses fins demois. EXIGENCES : • Posséder de l’expérience dans le domaine de la vente • Être bilingue (français, anglais), écrit et oral

• Respecter les heures de tombées • Être capable de travailler en équipe

• Posséder une voiture et l’utiliser pour le travail • Avoir un horaire flexible pour projets spéciaux RÉMUNÉRATION : Bonne commission DATE D’ENTRÉE EN FONCTION : Le plus tôt possible


IS LOOKING FOR A SALESPERSON IN CORNWALL The ideal candidate is a retired or semi-retired person with excellent interpersonal skills who wants to earn extra money. REQUIREMENTS: • Experience in sales an asset • Bilingual (French, English), both oral and written • Demonstrated teamwork • Respect deadlines

C’est le 5 avril dernier qu’a eu lieu le tournoi d’improvisation du Conseil scolaire du district catholique de l’est de l’Ontario (CSDCEO) à l’École secondaire catholique La Citadelle. En effet, l’équipe de l’école à fait face à plusieurs opposants venus de partout à travers la région. L’improvisation est une technique théâtrale permettant de développer la créativité, l’écoute et l’échange. Le participant joue sans texte prédéfini, sans mise en scène préalable, selon son inspiration. — photo fournie Des Patriotes improvisent

• Possess valid driver’s license and use of vehicle • Time/Schedule flexibility for special projects SALARY: Good commission STARTING DATE: As soon as possible

Seules les personnes retenues pour une entrevue seront contactées. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Faire parvenir son curriculum vitae par courriel à : Send your resume by email to:

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Optimist Club Minor Softball League President, Rick Dore, sits in the clubhouse with the trophies handed out to teams of children every year. Softball games are just around the corner, starting in May. — photo Francis Racine

Almost time to batter up! member of the community who donates his or her precious time to the league. Some parents even step up and become umpires as well. There’s action in the Optimist Park nearly every night; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday andThursday are all ball days.


“We have a canteen here in the clubhouse and it’s also run by volunteers,” said Dore. “All the proceeds we make from those sales go back to the softball league.” The Optimist Club has been in charge of the event since 2008, when they took the reins of the sponsorship from the Knights of Columbus. The task of presiding over such a successful league is quite a challenging one. Dore therefore surrounds himself with a team of hardworking volunteers. “Our vice-president is Chad Lalonde, our secretary and statistician is Melissa Russell and our umpire in chief is Sheldon Empey,” said Dore. “We also have countless volunteers and parents that help out.” Every coaching position is filled by a

Every year, hundreds of kids take part in the Optimist Club’s Minor Soft Ball League. Although snow was still flying down on Cornwall, league president Rick Dore was more than happy to meet and talk about softball with The Cornwall Journal in the Optimist’s clubhouse on April 6. “It’s a great league,” explained the man sitting at a table. “It’s all about the kids. We’re all volunteers.” Every season, members of the Optimist Club of Cornwall come together to organize the league that welcomes 16 teams.

In the hopes of encouraging players to give it all, the Optimist Club has decided to introduce a new trophy called the president’s cup. “I call it my Stanley Cup,” said a smiling Dore. “We’re going to award it to the team that has the most winning games, as an incentive for them to play hard.” Parents interested in signing their child up to play in the Optimist Club’s Softball League can contact Dore at 613-360-7116. “I’ll never stop a kid from playing,” he expressed. “Even if the parents are late in registering, I’ll still make sure their child is playing softball.”

The league has around 180 kids signed up this year. “We’d love to get 190 of them, but we have a healthy number this season.” In all, the organisation is home to four different divisions; mini mites for children aged 4-6, major mites, 7-10, peewee, 1-14, and the bantam for those aged from 15 to 18. “We’re pretty popular because we’re a mixed league,” the president said. “There are not a lot of leagues like that in the city.” The season starts in earlyMay and runs to the end of July, with the finals taking place on July 22-24.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 13 avril 2016

education organizations and institutions including the Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN), as well as the Association of French Speaking Jurists of Ontario (AJEFO).

La Journée du droit 2016 marque le 34 e anniversaire de la Charte des droits et libertés. Venez participer aux plus grands événements de la Journée du droit au Canada. Célébrez avec nous! La Journée du droit est un événement national célébrant la signature de la Charte des droits et libertés du Canada. Instaurée par l’Association du Barreau canadien (ABC) et tenue au Canada pour la première fois en 1983, la Journée du droit vise à éduquer et informer le public sur le rôle et l’importance de la loi. Comme beaucoup de gens ont une connaissance limitée de la loi et du fonctionnement du système juridique, la Journée du droit habilite le grand public. Elle offre une excellente occasion à la profession de sensibiliser le public sur le rôle essentiel que les avocats et la magistrature exercent afin de nous garantir un système judiciaire transparent, indépendant et impartial. opportunity for the profession to educate the public about the vital role that lawyers and the judiciary serve in guaranteeing an open, independent and unbiased judicial system. In Ontario, Law Day is a collaborative project organized through the partnership of the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) and legal and

Law Day is celebrated annually in April and will be held on Thursday, April 14, 2016.

Welcome to Law Day 2016

Bienvenue à la Journée du droit 2016

Law Day is a national event celebrating the signing of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Originated by the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) and first held in Canada in 1983, Law Day is aimed at educating and

informing the public about the role and importance of the law. Sincemany people have a limited knowledge about the law and how the legal system works, Law Day empowers the public at large. It provides an excellent

En Ontario, la Journée du droit est un projet collaboratif organisé grâce au partenariat de l’Association du Barreau de l’Ontario (ABO) et des organisations et institutions juridiques et d’éducation, y compris le Réseau ontarien d’éducation juridique (ROEJ), le Barreau du Haut-Canada ainsi que l’Association des juristes francophones de l’Ontario (AJEFO). La Journée du droit est rendue possible grâce aux contributions financières des intervenants de la Journée du droit et au généreux financement de la Fondation du droit de l’Ontario et de l’Association du Barreau de l’Ontario.


Roger Dubé, LL.B E-mail: Eric Dubé, B.Soc, Sc. M.S.T., LL.B E-mail:

La Journée du droit est célébrée chaque année en avril et aura lieu le jeudi 14 avril 2016.

26 - 9 th Street East Cornwall, Ontario K6H 2T8 Office: 613 938-2857 • Fax: 613 938-6784

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Des artistes de la Citadelle reconnus

Cinq étudiants de l’école secondaire La Citadelle sont les heureux gagnants d’un concours organisé par le festival de bande dessinées CAPE. En effet, les jeunes artistes auront la chance d’exposer leurs œuvres lors du festival. On reconnaît, assises, Isabelle Deschamps et Josée Bourdon; debouts, Elizabeth Stuart, Alexandre Séguin et Skyler Boismenu. — photo Francis Racine


fondateurs du festival de bande dessinée, Carole Grant et Randy Sauvé, les œuvres d’une cinquantaine d’élèves de la neuvième à la douzième années, venant de chaque école de Cornwall, ont été choisies afin de paraître sur le devant d’une édition spéciale de Walking Dead . « L’émission de télévision et les bandes dessinées de Walking Dead sont le thème du festival cette année », a souligné Alexandre. Walking Dead est une série télévisée d’horreur, américaine, diffusée depuis le 31 octobre 2010. À la suite d’une épidémie post- apocalyptique ayant transformé la quasi- totalité de la population américaine

dessin ils préfèrent, tous répondent le manga, ainsi que le style cartoon réaliste comme influence. Lemanga est en fait une bande dessinée japonaise en noir et blanc et aux codes graphiques particuliers. Il se présente sous la forme d’un roman et se lit de droite à gauche. Mais l’amour de l’art n’est pas nouveau pour les cinq élèves, puisqu’ils espèrent tous poursuivre une carrière dans le domaine. « J’aimerais bien me rendre au collège Algonquin en animation, afin de créer des cartoons pour les jeunes », a déclaré Isabella.

et mondiale en morts-vivants, un groupe d’hommes et de femmes tente désespérément de survivre. C’est l’enseignante des arts de la Citadelle, Josée Poirier, qui aurait approché les cinq jeunes artistes afin qu’ils participent au concours. « Elle nous a demandé si on voulait participer, a explique Josée. On a tous dit oui. » Les cinq ont donc entrepris de créer des dessins, soit en couleur ou en noir et blanc. « Ça m’a pris à peu près cinq heures à faire, a expliqué Isabella. Mais je l’ai terminé en deux nuits. » Lorsqu’on leur demande quel type de

Armés uniquement d’un crayon et d’une feuille de papier, ils sont capables de créer des œuvres inimaginables. Cinq élèves de l’École secondaire catholique La Citadelle auront la chance de montrer leurs œuvres lors du festival CAPE, du 23 au 24 avril prochain, au Centre Benson. En effet, Josée Bourdon, Elizabeth Stuart, Alexandre Séguin, Isabella Deschamps et Skyler Boismenu ont tous remporté un concours qui leur a donné droit à une expérience digne de grands artistes. Selon un communiqué de presse des

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 13 avril 2016

500$ pour une structure de jeux

ACFO - Centre C-E Claude - 146 Chevrier TAS Convenience Store - 1001 Montreal Rd Food Basics - 1315 Second East No Frills - Eastcourt Mall 711 MAX - 472 Leitch Drive FreshCo - 525 - 9th East Jean Coutu Pharmacy - 5 - 9th East OLCO - 18267 Cty Rd. 2, Glen Walter Shopper’s Drug Mart - Cornwall Square Lotto Centre - Cornwall Square MacEwen C-Store - Second W. & York Short Line Convenience & Video Store - 1300 Second West A-Z Convenience Store - 340 - 4th West Pop Shoppe - 101 Emma C-Store/MacEwen Gas Bar - 5756 Hwy 138 Mitchell’s Variety - 3034 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 1292 Pitt Desjardins Caisse populaire - 840 Pitt Carl’s Smoke Shop - 272 Pitt Food Basics - 960 Brookdale Metro - 1400 Vincent Massey Benson Centre - 800 - 7th West Giant Tiger - 609 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 439 - 13th West disponible Est aux endroits suivants : at these fine places: Is available

Time to kick that cigarette to the curb Ron Cheffer, directeur adjoint de l’École élémentaire catholique Notre-Dame, a accepté un chèque de 500 $ de la Caisse Populaire au nom de toute la communauté scolaire, le 11 avril dernier. Le don aidera à défrayer les coûts d’une nouvelle structure de jeux pour la cour d’école. On aperçoit en avant, Jean-Félix Gibbs, Stella King et Callie Racine. En arrière, Sylvieanne Villeneuve (agente de la Caisse Populaire), Ron Cheffer, Christine Delage-Robertson (coordonnatrice de la Caisse Populaire) et Mariève Léger. — photo fournie


partners including the Heart Institute of the University of Ottawa, the Champlain Regional Cancer Program, Ottawa Public Health, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, the Office County public health and Renfrew district, the health Unit Leeds, Grenville and Lanark, smokers’ Helpline and the process- ing center of the dependence of Mackay mansion Renfrew County. “The First Week Challenge is a quit smok- ing contest where participants are eligible to win $500 if they quit for the first week of the month,” explained Hott. “This includes four workshops. The first is a presentation highlighting several strategies to combat smoking, a brief encounter with a mentor and 5 weeks of free nicotine patch.” The second part of the program is a support group that includes a mentor and many smokers who discuss their process undertaken to quit. Participants can also receive free therapy. Individual coaching is also offered by the program. Finally, advice by phone can also be facilitated. A mentor program provides a telephone follow-up to the participant through the Smokers’ Helpline.

Addiction to nicotine can be quite a hard habit to get rid of. Each year, countless Cornwall citizens try to overcome their cravings linked to tobacco. Nationally, Statistics Canada reports that 18.1% of the population is affected by nico- tine addiction, whereas the smoking rates in the territory served by the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is higher (20.4%) than the provincial one which stands at 17.33%. According to the provincial government’s website, «nicotine is a substance found naturally in the plant called tobacco. This is the only plant in the world that contains nicotine, a drug that is tightens its grip on the body and mind in a very subtle way. « Fortunately for local smokers, a program in the region is available to those wanting to stop their dangerous addiction. «There’s a great programoffered to smok- ers right here in the region,” said Nikolas Hott, Smoking Programs and injury preven- tion Manager at the BSEO. MyQuit is offered through local health



The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Cornwall resident Jason Sauvé, who donated one of his pieces, entitled Tree of Hope, worked in nursing for several years before transitioning into the world of art. He’s pictured with his donation. — supplied photo

Brightening the day of Chemotherapy Unit visitors people through my art.”

The staffs at the Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH) were more than pleased with the donation. “We hope it does brighten the day of those visiting the unit, for years to come,” declared Jeanette Despatie, president and chief executive officer of the CCH. “The hospital reaction was great, also instrumental in choosing a fitting showcase frame, plaque and display area where it can be easily seen,” said Sauvé. “Giving back where I can is something that’s been taught to me, and the research is clear in showing that our minds and emotions have a huge role to play in our health.” The artist only recently began selling his art pieces online; although he’s stressed, he’s always been an artist at heart. “I started selling my work through social media and

online art channels, around September,” he admitted. “It’s always been on the backburner, but I felt like the time was right to pursue it more seriously and it’s been a huge blessing. There’s so much inspiration around us.” Prints and original pieces of Sauvé’s art are available on jasonsauve and on his official website: www. as well as on instagram The Chemotherapy unit at Cornwall Hospital has begun treating patients with genitourinary (which affects the urinary tract) and lung cancers, and with experience and proficiency, the services will expand to other cancer types. Pictured is Sauvé with his donated piece.


The piece is adorned with several different colors, all of them lively. When asked what the inspiration was for his Tree of Hope , he explained that it symbolizes inspiration and strength. “I wanted to portray a warmbright healing sense,” he said. “To see something bright and colourful can literally shift a person’s day!” The artist also stressed that it wasn’t a hard piece to complete, but it did require some pre-planning to come up with a fitting message and concept. One that Sauvé highlights as “simple yet embodies the connection with the energy around us (...) I went with a palette knife approach for the burst of colors and chose oils for their richness,” explained the artist.

Thanks to a local artist, patients attending the new Cornwall Hospital Chemotherapy Unit can enjoy a beautiful piece of artwork when spending time in the waiting room. Cornwall resident Jason Sauvé, who donated one of his pieces, titled Tree of Hope , worked in nursing for several years before transitioning into the world of art. “In being that I work in health care, I had heard through amutual friend about the new chemotherapy unit,” he said. “It seemed a great opportunity, as a communitymember and as an artist, to respectfully donate to the cause and to be able to positively reach

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 13 avril 2016

Fruits and nuts coming soon to Gray’s Creek

You can now place a personal classified ad for FREE in Le/The Journal. Maximum 40 words. The ad will appear 2 consecutive weeks at a time. Commercial classified ads are accepted for only $5.00 (+ HST) a week (prepaid). Classified Ads FREE consécutives à la fois. Les petites annonces commerciales sont acceptées pour un coût de 5,00 $ (+ TVH) par parution (payable à l’avance). GRATUITES Petites annonces Vous pouvez maintenant placer une petite annonce (classée) GRATUITEMENT dans Le/The Journal . Maximum 40 mots. L’annonce paraîtra 2 semaines

Fruit and nut lovers, rejoice! Residents of Cornwall will be able to harvest the healthy items in Gray’s Creek in upcoming years. Tree Canada announced, on April 5, the 20 Canadian communities awarded funding as part of the organization’s Edible Trees program. As one of the not-for-profit charitable organization’s most popular programs, Edible Trees encourages urban greening and accessibility to healthy food by providing fruit and nut trees in communities across the country. Luckily for Cornwall, the Raisin Region Conservation Authority was chosen as one of the 20 communities. Each Edible Trees proposal was judged based on five key areas: innovation, community involvement, technical expertise, promotion and evaluation of the programs’ overall success. “The Edible Trees program provides more than just funding for community- based projects,” said Mike Rosen, Tree Canada president. “The program educates

communities on how to help new fruit and nut trees thrive. Once planted, these trees provide communities with access to fresh produce and enrich their green space, contributing to both a healthier environment and healthier people.” Since its inception in 2012, Tree Canada’s Edible Trees Program has helped plant

Sesquicentennial preparations The Upper Canada District School Board is laying the groundwork for marking Canada’s 150 th anniversary next year. Trustees approved creating a sesquicentennial steering committee, to provide recommendations to the board on how to mark Canada’s 150 th anniversary as “a teachable moment” for students in Upper Canada district schools. – Gregg Chamberlain

613- 938-1433 ✆ F196030_TS

over 7,000 fruit and nut providing trees and shrubs in communities across Canada. — photo Francis Racine

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Kinsmen Club of Cornwall announced that they were donating $10,000 to the Cornwall Minor Football Association (CMFA), during their annual Pizza Party event, on April first. The CMFA is for kids from 5-19 looking to play house league and competitive football in Cornwall and Eastern Ontario. The Kinsmen Club of Cornwall is a member of the National Organization, Kin Canada. The association was foun ded in 1920 in Hamilton by Hal Rogers, a decorated Canadian War Veteran. — supplied photo Kinsmen donates to Wildcats Football

Kawartha Credit Union recently presented a $5,000 donation to the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation, through their Community Involvement Program. Joanne Montford (left), branch manager, presented Erin Killoran with a $5,000 contribution to the chemotherapy programme at Cornwall Community Hospital. The latter recently announced that chemotherapy is now available here in Cornwall. — supplied photo $5,000 to Cornwall Hospital

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 13 avril 2016





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1100, rue Aberdeen, Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 Tél. : 613-632-4151

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 13, 2016



Votre enfant a des difficultés en lecture et en écriture? L’AFPED + peut vous aider. Informez-vous par téléphone au 613 761-8850 ou par courriel à •

Alexandria Moulding, a leading moulding manufacturer and distributor of wood and wood composite mouldings, based in Alexandria Ontario, is searching for an: Ideal skill set : Microsoft SQL SSRS, Programming C # - .NET - EDI knowledge, Microsoft SQL SSAS – OLAP cube knowledge, Microsoft AX 2012 – X++ Degree or Certification in computer science and a strong knowledge of computer programming is required. Alexandria Moulding is an equal opportunity employer and offers competitive compensation. Only individuals selected for interviews will be contacted. Interested individuals shall send their résumé with a cover letter, before May 7, 2016 to : Moulure Alexandria Moulding Inc. - HR Department, 20352 Power Dam Rd, Alexandria, ON K0C 1A0, Fax: 613-525-0807 - Email: Description of the position in the HR Section at APPLICATION DEVELOPER JOB OFFER

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario tel.: 613 938-1433 • fax.: 613 938-2798



A & C TELEVISION SERVICE - We repair LED, Plasma and amplifiers. We sell surveillance cameras and used televisions. 10% senior discount. Free estimates. Please call, 613-933- 9232 or 613-932-6366. LITALIEN UPHOLSTERING 50 years in business. You supply your own material. For more information call, 613-938-0471. LITALIEN REMBOURREUR 50 ans d’expérience. Vous fournissez votre propre matériel. Pour renseignements, appeler 613-938-0471.

NEED CASH NOW? We buy guns, licensed dealer in Hawkesbury. We want your firearms and militaria. Quick, easy and confidential; or 613-632-4848.

Ivaco Rolling Mills ( A Heico Company) LABOURERS IN A MANUFACTURING FACILITY Ivaco Rolling Mills LP, a major steel manufacturer in the Hawkesbury Ontario region, is seeking motivated labourers to fill vacancies in its Production and Quality departments.

Ivaco Rolling Mills ( A Heico Company) PROCESS CONTROL ENGINEER

Ivaco Rolling Mills LP, a major steel manufacturer in the Hawkesbury Ontario region, is seeking a Process Control Engineer for its Information Systems department. The Process Control Engineer must be driven, able to work well under pressure and have excellent communication, organization and interpersonal skills. Will require to plan and develop new business and process control applications. Also provide system support and offer user assistance. The Process Control Engineer will work with personnel from varied disciplines in a manufacturing environment toward continual improvement in production capabilities. Bilingualism (English/French) is considered an asset. Industrial/Manufacturing experience is preferred. Must have: • Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering or any related education; • Two (2) to five (5) years of experience; • Knowledge in C++, PHP, ASP.Net, Web Application development, SQL, Oracle, Project Management, Windows, networks and PLC’s. • Analytical and problem solving capabilities are required; We offer a competitive wage and benefits package. All interested applicants should forward their resume, in confidence to:

Applicants must have a high school diploma and will be asked to demonstrate sound reading comprehension and problem solving skills.

Experience in a manufacturing environment is an asset.

We offer a competitive benefits package including a defined contribution pension plan.

All interested applicants should forward their resumes, in confidence, to:

Ivaco Rolling Mills – Human Resources Posting #0808 P.O. Box 322, L’Orignal, Ontario K0B 1R0

Ivaco Rolling Mills PO Box 322 L’Orignal, ON K0B 1K0 Attention: Patrick Martel


(Please note that only selected candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please.)

(Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.)

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 13 avril 2016

They were busy all day answering phones, but volunteers at the annual Chorus Caring for Hearts were all happy to help. April 7 is the day Cornwall stepped up for its hospital. From 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. volunteers accepted pledges and money to help the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation raise money for the new Addiction and Mental Health Centre. The event raised $116,320, around $15,000 shy from the amount amassed last year. — supplied photo Caring Hearts raises $116,320

www. editionap .ca


Le mardi 19 avril 2016 - De 14h à 20h Entrée principale - Hôpital Général de Hawkesbury & District 1111, rue Ghislain Hawkesbury (Ontario)

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016 - 2:00 to 8:00 pm Main Entrance - Hawkesbury & District General Hospital 1111 Ghislain Street Hawkesbury ON

La journée s’adresse au personnel clinique. Nous avons plusieurs opportunités pour des infirmiers(ère)s autorisé(e)s et des infirmier(ère)s auxiliaire(s) autorisé(e)s. Vous êtes bilingues et détenez votre certificat d’enregistrement de l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers de l’Ontario? Joignez vous à notre équipe! Apportezvotrecurriculumvitaeet rencontrez nos gestionnaires en entrevue sur place.

This day is intented for clinical staff . We have many opportunities for registered nurses and registered practical nurses. Youarebilingual andholdyour Certificate of Registrationwith the College of Nurses of Ontario? Join our team! Bringyour resumeandmeet ourmanagers for an onsite interview.

See our available positions at: - Please submit your questions by e-mail at: Voirnospostesdisponiblesau: - Veuillezadresservosquestionsparcourrielà:


The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of April 10 to 16, 2016


ARIES You have no problems speaking up and you express out loud what others are only thinking. You’ll have to get used to your new phone, which is more complicated than your last one. TAURUS Take the time to examine your different bills because there’s sure to be a mistake in one of them. If you catch it, you can recover a considerable amount of money. GEMINI Patience is not your biggest virtue this week. Any money issues that come up will be solved in due course. Given time, solutions are bound to turn up. CANCER You feel the effects of accumulated fatigue and so some rest is necessary. Having more peace of mind will give you the inspiration to reach your professional goals. LEO You take care of a fairly large group of people with whom you are going to do lots of activities. Stress might tire you out, so take some time to rest before the end of the week. VIRGO Your boss has to leave work suddenly; to your surprise, you are asked to take over. Try to have more confidence in yourself and let your leadership skills shine. LIBRA You may be worrying about your ability to communicate in a foreign language if a business trip is in the works. Don’t worry; you’re sure to surpass all expectations. SCORPIO A career change sometimes involves going back to school. Lots of patience and effort give you the opportunity to extricate yourself from a rather precar- ious financial situation. SAGITTARIUS You usually don’t hesitate when faced with a big decision; however, this time around, be sure to weigh the pros and cons. What’s more, new information will appear at the last minute. CAPRICORN You are responsible for all the emergen- cies that come up at work, including some complaints from dissatisfied cus- tomers. Your smile can help defuse some tense situations. AQUARIUS You accomplish a great feat in one way or another. You are warmly applauded and put up on a pedestal. You might even save someone from a disaster. PISCES Your young children may be more tur- bulent than usual. You should take the time to establish and explain new rules at home in order to restore peace and harmony.


ACROSS 1. Burst 4. Chipper 7. Crude 12.Fruit beverage 13.Be in hock 14.African animal, shortly 15.Lay lawn 16.Swiss mountain 17.Ready to be served: 2 wds. 18.Region 20.Swampy place 21.Gone to bed 23.Compositions 27.Almost 29.____ good to be true 30.Tiny insect 33.Luau garland 34.Claim to be untrue 35.Tire filler 36.Drastic 38.Brews, as tea 40.Wooden barriers 44.Ditch 45.Scatter

46.Shoo! 49.Supportive 51.Fierce rage 52.Dwelling 53.Piece of corn 54.Drink 55.Receded 56.Aardvark’s snack 57.Goldfish, e.g. DOWN 1. Manicotti, e.g. 2. Aromas 3. Bicycle lever 4. Pointy beard 5. Leather punch 6. Slangy affirma- tive 7. Picky 8. Chimes 9. Befitting 10.Recreation spot 11.Soak 19.Lincoln’s coin 20.Creed 22.Least tanned 24.Enjoyed a meal 25.Hither’s partner

26.Chinese sauce 28.Race (a motor) 30.Neon, e.g. 31.Baby bug 32.“You ____ My Lucky Star” 34.Impression 36.Foamed 37.Vacation hotel 39.Clear, as a video- tape 41.Crunchy 42.Spooky 43.Used a broom 46.“____-Devil” 47.Corn unit 48.Polish 49.Small round veg- etable 50.Operated, as a machine Answers:


Copyright © 2014, Penny Press


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 13 avril 2016

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