


SFQSFTFOUJOH8BSE JO UIF UPXOTIJQ IBE expressed his concern about the policing cost portion of the budget during the past budget review sessions of council. Budget details 5IFCVEHFUGPS"MGSFE1MBOUBHFOFU 5PXOTIJQUPUBMT   XIJDIJTNPSF UIBONJMMJPONPSFUIBOUIFCVEHFU PG  5IF JODSFBTF JTEVF UP a combination of inflation for some costs and the addition of critical improvements to day-to-day operation services and also needed capital works projects.

Alfred-Plantagenet Township’s 2021 budget was approved with just one objection raised on its contents. “I think the budget is very good,” said $PVODJMMPS*BO8BMLFSEVSJOHUIF'FCSVBSZ special session for approval of the budget. #VU8BMLFSUPMEUIFSFTUPGDPVODJMUIBUIF could not give his support in the final vote CFDBVTFIFPCKFDUFE UP UIFNJMMJPO allocation for police services in the budget. The township contracts with the OPP for policing in the municipality. “A portion of that money should be going to family and youth services, work deve- lopment, housing, mental health care, and FEVDBUJPO u8BMLFSTBJEi5IFZ QPMJDF DBO do with a lot less money and do a better job.” 8BMLFS  POF PG UIF UISFF DPVODJMMPST

This year’s budget includes a two-per-cent increase in the amount of property taxes nee- ded as part of the municipal revenue. This NFBOTBJODSFBTFGPSFWFSZ  of assessed value for a residential property. 'PSUIFBWFSBHFIPVTFIPMEFSUIJTXPSLT PVU UPB JODSFBTFPO UIFNVOJDJQBM QPSUJPOPG UIFJS UBYCJMM *UEPFTOPU represent all of the increases to the total tax bill.

Le canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet a maintenant son budget pour 2021. Le conseil du canton a approuvé le budget de 13,9 millions de dollars lors d’une session spéciale le 16 février. Le budget comprend une augmentation de 2 % des recettes fiscales nécessaires pour couvrir toutes les dépenses de fonctionnement et d’investissement de l’année. —photo d’archives

"OBMMPDBUJPOPG GPSDPOTUSVD - tion of a new sand dome is included as part of the winter roads maintenance plan. Also  JTTFUBTJEFUPCVZSPBETIPVMEFS maintenance equipment. The parks and recreation portion of the budget includes three items for the benefit PG SFTJEFOUT 5IF 8FOEPWFS DPNNVOJUZ centre parking lot will have new pavement BUUIFDPTUPG XIJMFBMMPDBUJPOTPG  FBDIBSFTFUBTJEF GPSBQVCMJD WPMMFZCBMMDPVSUJO8FOEPWFSBOEBMTP1IBTF 0OFPGB#.9QBSLQSPKFDUJO8FOEPWFS5IFSF JTBMTP EFEJDBUFEUPSFDSFBUJPOBM forest trail work in the Village of Alfred.

The township is responsible for collec- ting property taxes for the school boards operating in the municipality, the United Counties of Prescott-Russell, the provincial government’s share of property tax, and also UIFQSPQFSUZUBYTIBSFTGPSUIF4PVUI/BUJPO Conservation Authority and other agencies. Their property tax increase calculations are also added onto the total tax bill. Budget highlights The new municipal budget includes seve- ral capital expense approvals for improving present and future services for the township.

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