

How Use the Gameplan Social Impact Monitoring Tool Template Medium to Long-term Monitoring and Evaluation does not need to be complicated. The same Social Impact Monitoring Tools used to monitor and evaluate the big event can be used to measure social afterglow . For this purpose, they become afterglow indicator measures and afterglow event stories .

Impact Handover Plan makes it easier to ignite social afterglow into Social Buzz when there is a new event to get excited about. This could include discussions with Community Explorers to understand how events can be tailored to different communities, or a community survey to understand if social impacts vary across different events.

Listen, measure, and improve

Medium to Long-term Monitoring and Evaluation also offers an opportunity to build a picture of social impact over time. This is particularly useful for annual events or event portfolios , which strive for improvement year on year. The Gameplan Social Impact Monitoring Tool Template uses event stories and indicator measures that are well suited to collecting this type of information.

Keep in touch with new friends

Keeping in touch with new friends such as Community Explorers , Microgrant recipients, local leaders, or volunteers supports continued collaboration. For example, opportunities could be offered to a database of volunteers who helped with a big event. Their experiences could then be recorded as a collection of afterglow event stories .

Get ready for the next big thing

Keeping the momentum of previous events going through monitoring the Gameplan Social



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