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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 SUMMER SCHOOL REPORT Trustees for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) reviewed a report on its Summer Learning Program for the 2019 season. The CDSBEO operated four “summer school” projects, including one at St. Jude Catholic School in Vankleek Hill. There were 132 students from the CDSBEO region who attended four- week summer learning sessions at one of the four schools during July. The programs included sessions dealing with literacy, indigenous studies, art, robotics, and also some recreational activities including field trips to various local educational attractions. – Gregg Chamberlain NOUVEAU DIRECTEUR AMBULANCIER Marc-André Périard n’est plus sous-chef du Service ambulancier de Prescott- Russell. Il est le nouveau directeur des services d’urgence des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell. Il remplace Michel Chrétien qui prend sa retraite. Le conseil des CUPR a confirmé la nomination de M. Périard. – Gregg Chamberlain TIRAGE DE LA FSCPR Les gagnants du tirage mensuel de la Fondation des services communautaires de Prescott et Russell pour le mois de septembre sont Cécile Bos de Vankleek Hill, billet numéro 703, et Martial Levac de Casselman, billet numéro 857, qui ont gagné 400 $ et 100 $ respectivement.
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
East Hawkesbury Township officials have a second to rescue a piece of local history now that a proposed recycling operation may be defunct. “There’s a historical landmark there,” said Mayor Robert Kirby, regarding future plans for a property that the municipality has taken has seized for non-payment of taxes. The property is located at the southern FEHFPGUIF7JMMBHFPG4BJOU&VHÍOFBOE has been a source of controversy for the past year because of the rising mounds of garbage occupying the land. François Charlebois, a local developer, was partners with Sayed Abdullah Ahmad of Toronto and the two of them planned to develop the site as a recycling and sorting operation for construction waste and other dry materials. But they had not received approval for their project from the township or the Minis- USZPG&OWJSPONFOU /BUVSF$POTFSWBUJPOBOE Parks, nor had they submitted an application for approval of the project to the ministry even though Charlebois was stockpiling large mounds of construction waste and other materials, including tires and wood pallets, at the site. This created concerns among neighbouring residents that some of the waste items might not be safe. This past summer, an environment ministry inspector did a review of the site and the situation. &BSMJFSJOUIFZFBS UIFUPXOTIJQIBEUIF property listed for sale by tender for $96,000
Le Canton de Hawkesbury Est a saisi une propriété à Saint-Eugène pour une opération de recyclage proposée, pour taxes impayées. Les autorités municipales attendent maintenant les résultats d’une ordonnance du ministère qui ordonne à l’ancien propriétaire de la propriété et à un promoteur local d’enlever les amoncellements de déchets qui occupent le site depuis au moins un an. —archives
gets the funding arranged, but Ahmad has not been available for comment. Meanwhile Mayor Kirby wants to pro- UFDUTPNFPOFPGBLJOETPVWFOJSTPG&BTU Hawkesbury’s past history as a former training area for Canadian soldiers. Mayor Kirby noted that there still stands a former barracks and cement pier that once was part of the shooting range for soldiers undergoing USBJOJOHFYFSDJTFTEVSJOHPOFPGUIF8PSME 8BST,JSCZJTOPUTVSFXIFUIFSUIFUXPSFMJDT EBUFCBDLUPFJUIFSUIF'JSTU8PSME8BSPS the Second, but he said the township is not going to sell the property until steps are taken to safeguard those two structures.
for taxes in arrears but postponed forfeiture when Ahmad indicated then that he would pay the outstanding taxes. He has since declared he will not and the township has now seized the property. Charlebois had a lease arrangement with Ahmad for developing the property as a re- DZDMJOHPQFSBUJPO/PXIFNBZGBDFDIBSHFT VOEFSUIF&OWJSPONFOUBM1SPUFDUJPO"DUGPS illegal dumping on property not designated as a permitted waste disposal site. The ministry has ordered the two of them to remove all the waste at the site by October 14, though Charlebois has indicated he still wants to go ahead with his project, once he
Sujets : Exercices - acঞvités Précauঞons adultes - ainés Stress - Problèmes de sommeil Problèmes de violence conjugale Les enfants Problèmes audio-visuel
Nous avons trouvé les spécialistes pour animer les sujets suivants :
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