NSLHD News September 3 2021

labour monitoring device paving the way for women A world-first labour monitoring device that

has been trialled at Royal North Shore Hospital has just been acknowledged by the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with Breakthrough Device Designation – paving the way for women to benefit from its capabilities. The maternal diagnostic tool, Oli, was created by Baymatob, a company founded by Sydney mother, Dr Sarah McDonald, after her own traumatic birth experience. Oli seeks to identify an individual, during labour, who is at higher risk of developing abnormal postpartum uterine bleeding or postpartum haemorrhage, in advance of delivery/birth. RNSH took part in a landmark study over the last year using Oli, a wireless monitoring device that offers new measures, which it is hoped, if successful, could eventually replace and improve on current invasive monitoring that can restrict the mother’s movements during labour. Oli monitors key physiological signals impacting mother and

(Left to right) CE Deb Willcox with Midwifery Manager, Maternal, Neonatal and Women’s Health Network Michelle de Vroome, Dr Sarah McDonald and her daughter, Clinical Professor Michael Nicholl and Clinical Midwife Consultant Kate Pigott.

baby during pregnancy and labour. It provides details surrounding the quality of uterine activity, maternal and fetal wellbeing, movements and exertion. Oli is being developed to be used before birth, providing information on how a labour is presenting and progressing, initially via its postpartum haemorrhage advance diagnostic. Clinical Professor Michael Nicholl, clinical director for the Maternal, Neonatal and Women’s Health Network said: “Oli’s ability to predict postpartum haemorrhage in advance is a game changer that will save lives and reduce lifelong health impacts for mothers, such as emergency

a medical device Breakthrough Device Designation, the FDA recognises its potential to provide more effective treatment or diagnosis for a life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating disease or condition. This allows Baymatob to benefit from a streamlined and supported regulatory process on its path to commercialisation of Oli. In the RNSH study, Oli detected postpartum haemorrhage more than an hour before any postpartum blood loss occurred. Michelle de Vroome, Midwifery Manager, Maternal, Neonatal & Women’s Health Network, NSLHD said: “Oli has been embraced by both women and clinicians during the study. We cannot wait until this is available for clinical use.”

hysterectomies.” In order to award


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