
Condo conversion of former church 5LcKarG.maKone\ H AWKESBURY

Road work ahead: $2.3 million Highway 34 upgrade V ANKLEEK H ILL 7raIÀcanGwaWerwLOOEeÁowLnJmore smooWKO\oncea.mLOOLonXpJraGeon +LJKwa\Ln9anNOeeN+LOOLswrappeG XpWKLsIaOO. With the help of a $2.1 million subsidy from the Ontario Ministry of Transpor- tation, the Township of Champlain is reconstructing the road from Main Street to the north village limit, near Hillview Circle, and continuing stormwater drai- nage improvements to an outlet at the Little Rideau Creek. Work is scheduled to begin in June and EHFRPSOHWHGLQ2FWREHU)UDQoRLV/DÁHXU RIWKH*HQLYDUFRQVXOWLQJÀUPH[SODLQHG at an information meeting Monday. The work includes the reconstruction and widening of the roadway to provide left-turninglanes,thereplacementofade- ÀFLHQWVWRUPVHZHUV\VWHPZDWHUPDLQDQG sanitarysewersystems,elevationchanges totheroadsurface,drivewayadjustments and improvements for pedestrians.

'espLWe WKe Iears oI Wwo neLJKEors WKe Wown oI +awNesEXr\ Kas JLYen LWs EOessLnJ Wo WKe conYersLon oI WKe Iormer &enWre &KrpWLen Viens et Vois on /ansGowne 6WreeW LnWo a WenXnLW conGomLnLXm. May 10 is the deadline for anyone to ÀOHDQDSSHDODJDLQVWWKHGHFLVLRQ Twopeoplehadrecentlytoldthemuni- cipalitythatthedevelopmentwouldaffect their privacy and property value. However, town planner Manon Belle-Isle has told council that Normand Péladeau’s project would be an asset for theneighbourhoodsinceitwouldnothave D VLJQLÀFDQW LPSDFW RQ WKH DUHD ZKLFK DOUHDG\LQFOXGHVDPL[RIEXVLQHVVHVDQG residences. *ooGIorWKeneLJKEoXrKooG The new vocation would in fact UHGXFHWUDIÀFLQWKHDUHDVLQFHFRQJUH- gation members will meet at their new location, the former L’Ascension RomanCatholic churchat Lansdowne and Mary Streets. TherenovationoftheformerCentre Chrétien Viens et Vois will rejuvenate the area, Belle-Isle said in a recent report to council.

Photo Richard Mahoney The long arm of the law takes on many forms, as drivers were reminded as they travelled along County Road 17 in Hawkesbury last week. The use of the radar device is part of an ongoing drive to reduce speeds and increase safety on the highway.

Photo Richard Mahoney ”ƒ‘‹•ƒƪ‡—”ǡƒ—‹…‹’ƒŽ†‡•‹‰‡” with Genivar, looks at plans for impro- vementstoHighway34inVankleekHill.

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Félicitations à nos élèves et à nos enseignants et au personnel pour le merveilleux travail d’équipe. Le Sommet s’est classée parmi les 10 meilleures écoles de l’Est ontarien selon le rapport de l’Institut Fraser. De la part de la direction et de la surintendance.

École secondaire publique Le Sommet 894, boulevard Cécile, Hawkesbury, ON • 613 632-6059

Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario

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