FMN | November 9th, 2020

Hub Labels, DuPont (Cont’d from Page 5)

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The DuPont™ Cyrel® FAST 2000TD processor offers Hub Labels improved plate quality and machine per- formance. The processor supports legacy and all new generation of Cyrel® thermal plates, imaging, prepare and exposure improvements. The material handling and temperature management advances in the Du- Pont™ Cyrel® FAST 2000TD allows for a far superior processed plate.This unit eliminates the need to clean and paint the drum and utilizes an unpolymerized ma- terial migration prevent systems.With remote diagnos- tics and service simplification, Hub Labels is also able to save time and money. It is an extremely clean unit

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with an advanced catalytic oxidizer emission reduction system to ensure emissions fall far below the most strin- gent environmental regulations. “Hub Labels has been a leader in adopting the latest flexographic plate technologies to improve quality to the end brand owner for over 30 years”, commented Dave Debski, DuPont™Cyrel® Market Development Manager. “Over these years, DuPont introduced digital plates, Cyrel® FAST thermal technology, and most re- cently Cyrel EASY flat top dot plates and 2000 TD pro- cessor – for all these leading technologies, Hub Labels was an early adopter.” Chad Aumick, VP of Finance at Hub Labels explains, “The decision to invest in this Dupont and Esko system was a no brainer from a financial standpoint. Our old- er processor required the drum be painted periodically. The new system allowed us to take the drum out of the new processor design and this new technology devel- opment equates to less downtime,less maintenance and higher quality labels.Additionally, the original exposure equipment required frequent bulb changes while the new XPS Crystal unit uses UV LED, which we don’t ex- pect to need changed for 10 years. It was the right move to upgrade to the DuPont™ Cyrel® FAST 2000TD and Working in conjunction with Dupont, Esko and Mark Andy, Hub Labels’ process color QC procedure follows FTA FIRST Guidelines, to rival offset and digi- tal print quality.

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To take advantage of this opportunity contact:

Greg Kishbaugh / 317-306-1060 /

Robyn Smith / 910-553-4055 /

(Cont’d on Page 11)

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