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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 MUNICIPALITÉS CONTRE LE RADON La municipalité de Grenville-sur-la-Rouge soutien la campagne villes et municipa- lités contre le radon afin de sensibiliser les citoyens au danger que représente le radon pour la santé. La municipalité autorise l’achat d’une trousse clé en main auprès de l’association pulmo- naire du Québec, et les pastilles de tests-maison seront disponibles à la réception de l’hôtel de ville au coût de 30 $. – Charles Durocher EAST HAWKESBURY FIRE REPORT The East Hawkesbury Township Fire Department had seven calls to deal with building fire incidents in 2021. The total estimated loss or damage related to the calls was more than $600,000 with one commercial fire incident making up the bulk of the damage expense part of the year-end report. Local firefighters also responded to a number of calls dealing with medical assistance, vehicle accidents, and smoke alarms. – Gregg Chamberlain GSLR MEMBRE DE LA COOPÉRATIVE TRICENTRIS La municipalité de Grenville-sur-la-Rouge accepte de devenir membre de la coo- pérative Tricentris et autorise le maire et le directeur général de la municipalité à signer le contrat de membre utilisateur et le contrat de service pour la gestion des matières recyclables pour la période allant du 15 avril 2022 au 31 décembre 2024 – Charles Durocher
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN news@eap.on.ca
Hawkesbury’s chief administrator demands that council take action on her complaint about harassment in the workplace from Mayor Paula Assaly. Chief Administrator Dominique Dussault told council during its April 25 session that both city and herself have received a copy earlier this month of a workplace investiga- tion report related to her complaint about harrassment from the mayor. The report would be one of the topics for discussion during the in-camera session of council following the public meeting. «I am therefore urging council for urgent action on implementing the appropriate remedial measures to enable me to work in a harassment-free environment,» said Dussault. Dussault reminded council that she had àMFEBIBSBTTNFOUDPNQMBJOUMBTU/PWFNCFS VOEFSUIFNVOJDJQBMJUZT$PEFPG&UIJDT+PIO Saywell, the integrity commissioner at that time, investigated and upheld her complaint in a report to council. The report became the subject of a judicial court stay of proceedings request by the mayor. The presiding judge ruled against the stay of proceedings request and directed council to «fulfill its mandate to respond to the allegations of harassment» in the original Saywell report. Dussault noted that there has been no further action by either the mayor or council regarding sanctions recommended in the
La directrice générale de Hawkesbury, Dominique Dussault, exige que le conseil donne suite à sa plainte pour harcèlement au travail déposée contre la mairesse Paula Assaly. —photo d’archives
Saywell report. Since then Dussault has filed a civil suit against both the mayor and the municipality in relation to her original complaint and the Saywell report. «As you know from the report you have in hand, the (harrassment) allegations were
founded,» Dussault said. «How is it possible that council has not yet acted on my behalf when I am the victim in this case?» Council then adjourned for its in-camera session.
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*Complimentary hearing consultations valid for those over 50. Not applicable on third party claims. Other restrictions apply, please see clinic for details.
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