

the people who need social housing. Social housing needs During the past five years, the UCPR supported two affordable housing projects GPSTFOJPST POFJO5IF/BUJPOBOEUIFPUIFS JO$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE#VU 5VSOCVMMOPUFE  the waiting lists for seniors, families with children, people with disabilities, and other groups continue to grow. “The need to build more affordable IPVTJOHJTDMFBSuIFTBJEi8FEPOFFE better public awareness of a definite need to increase the amount of affordable housing across the counties.” Based on population growth statistics gathered for the review, Turnbull told UCPR DPVODJM UIBUUIF1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMSFHJPOXJMM need almost 10,000 more housing units CZ A large percentage of that figure will include affordable housing, and much of that social housing will be needed in areas outside of Hawkesbury. 0OFTVHHFTUJPOJODMVEFEJOUIF&DP&UIP nomics report was the creation of a “housing DPBMJUJPOuJOWPMWJOHUIF6$13 MPDBMOPOQSPàU housing and social services groups, and also QSJWBUFTFDUPSMBOEMPSETXJMMJOHUPQBSUJDJQBUF  to work on “more proactive solutions” to reduce the risk of individuals or families becoming homeless because of eviction situations. The report also recommended more attention to the social housing needs of people with mobility issues, due to age or

physical handicaps. “Local planning departments will play a critical role in solving some of this problem,”

Turnbull said. “I think you have a lot of strengths to build on, and a lot of committed, dedicated people.”


The next decade will see more demands for housing in Prescott-Russell, which includes affordable and social housing. “It’s very clear, the numbers show that affordable housing will continue to be an important issue in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell,” said consultant Ryan 5VSOCVMMPG&DP&UIPOPNJDT*OD EVSJOHUIF /PWFNCFSTFTTJPOPG6$13 DPVODJM “I’m very happy to say that your community seems to be very involved in working on this important issue.” Turnbull presented UCPR council with an QBHFSFQPSUTIPXJOHUIFSFTVMUT BMPOH XJUISFDPNNFOEBUJPOTPGBNJEQPJOUSFWJFX POUIFZFBSQSFWFOUQMBOGPSEFBMJOHXJUI the issues of social housing and homeless  OFTTJO1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM He noted that most of the population JODSFBTFJO1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMIBTCFFOJO the western part of the region, around the $JUZPG$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE 3VTTFMM5PXOTIJQ  BOE5IF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZ)PXFWFS BUUIF FBTUFSOFOE JOUIF)BXLFTCVSZBOE&BTU Hawkesbury areas, there has been a decline in population numbers. But Turnbull observed that most of the available social housing is around the Hawkesbury area, because there is a higher concentration there of the kind of services, social, financial, and government, used by

Le consultant Ryan Turnbull a présenté aux maires de Prescott-Russell un résumé détaillé des résultats obtenus jusqu’à présent, dans le cadre d›une stratégie décennale visant à résoudre les problèmes de logement social et d›itinérance dans les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell. Le rapport de 88 pages indique que le logement abordable continuera d›être un besoin important et croissant dans la région. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

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