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Another fundraiser will be held in Rockland for a beloved member of the community, Larry Manuel, who is bat- tling cancer. A community barbecue will be held on Saturday, July 28, at Parent Independent in Rockland, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Burgers, hot dogs, chips and beverages will be served. There will also be a silent auction of 14 baskets donated by different businesses in Rockland and two raffle draws for a canvas wall art from Sense of Art, valued at $150 and a mystery bag draw valued at $450. 5IJTGVOESBJTFSGPS-BSSZ.BOVFMJTCFJOH organized by Danielle Godard, a resident of Casselman who met and became friends XJUI.BOVFMXIJMFUIFZXFSFCPUIWPMVO - teering during the Rockland flood relief, in UIFTQSJOHPG.BOVFMXBTEJBHOPTFE with Stage 4 Squamous Cell Oropharyngeal Cancer, a cancer of the base of the tongue, in January 2018. His sister, Susie, started B(P'VOE.FQBHF XIJDIIBTTPGBSSBJTFE over $7000 of its $10,000 goal. 0OUIF(P'VOE.FQBHF 4VTJFEFTDSJCFT her brother as a “generous and hard working family man. He has a big heart and seems to end up in the role of Good Samaritan quite often. He is the guy who would bend over backward for a total stranger, even if it meant breaking his own back.” This community barbecue is not the first

Une collecte de fonds aura lieu à Rockland pour un membre bien-aimé de la communauté, Larry Manuel, qui lutte contre le cancer. Un barbecue communautaire aura lieu le samedi 28 juillet chez Parent Independent à Rockland, de 11 h à 14 h. Des hamburgers, hot-dogs, frites et boissons seront servis. Aussi, il y aura un encan silencieux de 14 paniers offerts par différentes entreprises de Rockland et deux tirages. Cette collecte de fonds est organisée par Danielle Godard, une résidente de Casselman qui a rencontré M. Manuel alors qu’ils faisaient du bénévolat lors des inondations de Rockland, au printemps 2017. Ici on peut reconnaitre Larry Manuel avec sa sœur Susie Manuel, qui a créé une page GoFundMe pour son frère. —photo fournie

his honor such as two separate events at #SPBEXBZ#BSBOE(SJMM JO.BZBOEJO+VOF  that together helped raised almost $400 for .BOVFM5IFSFXBTBMTPB$SBGUTBOE7FOEPST FWFOUIFMEBUUIF+FBO.BSD-BMPOEF"SFOB on June 23 that helped raise over $2000.

fundraiser that Godard has organized for .BOVFMi"GUFSTFFJOH4VTJFTQPTU *XBT TIPDLFEUPSFBEPG-BSSZTEFNJTF uTBJE Godard. “Larry was and continues to be an inspiration for a lot of people.” To this date, she has helped organized other events in

Godard is also trying to get face painters to participate in the event and will soon be creating a community Facebook group for the event being held on Saturday, July 28, at Parent Independent in Rockland.


VACANCES ESTIVALES Prenez note que nos bureaux seront FERMÉS les semaines du 22 et du 29 juillet. Au cours de la SEMAINE DU 29 JUILLET, aucun de nos journaux ne sera imprimé. Le bureau de l’Argenteuil, à Lachute, rouvrira ses portes le lundi matin 6 août, alors que tous les bureaux de l’Ontario rouvriront le mardi matin 7 août.

Please take note that our offices will be CLOSED during the weeks of July 22 and 29.

None of our newspapers will be printed during THE WEEK OF JULY 29.

The office of L’Argenteuil, Lachute, will reopen Monday morning August 6. The Ontario offices will reopen Tuesday morning, August 7.

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