

Un projet d’envergure pour le CCÉC PAGE 2

Rumors will soon grace the stage PAGE 8

July 20 juillet 2016

V. 6 N. 35

Fundraising for Hospice

The sun was shining for a very special fundraiser taking place on July 16. Violet Mitchell, whose daughter Christina Archambault is currently in Cornwall’s Hospice, was organizing a garage sale in order to raise funds for the institution. “It’s a very important place for Cornwall residents,” she said, a hint of emotion in her voice. Items for sale were mostly donated and a raffle took place throughout the day. Mitchell hopes to organize another similar fundraiser in August. She's pictured with her young helper, Kaydance Belanger. — photo Francis Racine

Un projet d’envergure pour le CCÉC


effet, ses deux toitures ainsi que son système de chauffage laissent à désirer. Depuis maintenant quelques années, la direction du CCÉC organise une campagne de financement afin de rénover l’édifice

construit il y a une soixantaine d’années. « Les toitures n’ont jamais été changées depuis la construction de l’édifice, a expliqué Linda Newman, directrice générale du centre. Nous avons effectué des réparations d’urgence il y a quelques années, puisque nous avons eu plusieurs inondations. Mais bien qu’une petite partie du toit ait été réparée, lorsqu’il pleut beaucoup, il nous arrive encore d’avoir des fuites. » Lorsque ces fuites se produisent, le système d’alarme se déclenche. « L’eau atteint le système, a soulignéMme Newman. Ça devient dangereux. » Les rénovations, bien qu’elles soient nécessaires, coûteront cher. « Les coûts totaux des rénovations s’élèvent à 184 000 $, a fait remarquer Mme Newman. Nous avons reçu une subvention de 120 710 $ pour le projet dans le cadre du programme Infrastructure 150 du Canada. » La direction du centre a lancé un appel à la communauté. L’objectif : amasser15 000 $, soit 15 % des besoins financiers. Pour sa part, le système de chauffage est branché à celui de la garderie voisine. « On nous a dit que l’on doit diviser tous les services publics, a déclaré la directrice générale. Ceci inclut l’électricité, le système d’alarme et l’eau. » En plus d’avoir à débourser plusieurs milliers de dollars pour des rénovations, le centre devra, dans un avenir prochain, se brancher à une autre source d’approvisionnement « Cornwall Electric nous a dit que nous allons devoir nous connecter à l’avenue Chevrier. Bien que ça ne presse pas trop, ça nous coûtera presque 250 000 $, puisque nous allons devoir creuser pour nous rendre là. »

En plus d’avoir octroyé la somme de 30 000 $ au centre à travers le budget municipal, la Ville lui a aussi remis 18 000 $ par l’entremise de Heart of the City. « Ils nous ont donné un prêt que nous devons repayer en 10 ans, puisque nous faisons partie de la section du Village », a affirméMme Newman. Qu’en est-il de la collecte de fonds? « Nous l’avons démarrée, mais nous savons aussi que beaucoup de personnes sont en vacances, donc nous voulons vraiment forcer en août, a-t-elle dit. On va aller voir les bailleurs de fonds et les individus de la communauté. Les deux prochaines années seront des années de transition. Moi-même et le conseil d’administration allons analyser nos objectifs. Quant à l’avenir du centre, Mme Newman se réjouit. « Nous sommes ici pour rester, a affirmé la dame qui gère l’organisme à but non lucratif de 318 membres. Nous allons explorer toutes nos options et nos alternatives. » Un endroit fort achalandé La direction du centre polyvalent des ainés estime que 21 500 âmes franchissent les portes à chaque année. Le centre abrite une dizaine d’organismes. l’Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario (ACFO), Carefor, Danse Carousels Cornwall, Cornwall City Cloggers, le Centre d’information catholique, le Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie, Focus Art, Party Lite, la Société d’Alzheimer de Cornwall ainsi que Women Fidelis. Chacun de ces groupes organise plusieurs activités. Rares sont les jours où rien ne se passe entre les murs de l’ancienne école La Nativité.

Le Centre Charles-Émile-Claude (CCÉC) a sérieusement besoin d’être rénové. En

Accueillez un étudiant étranger chez vous! Le Collège St Laurent est à la recherche de familles d’accueil pour des étudiants étrangers. Accueillir un étudiant étranger est une expérience merveilleuse et inoubliable pour toute la famille. Votre foyer doit être à une distance raisonnable du Collège St Laurent ainsi que du service d’autobus, Cornwall Transit. Les familles d’accueil sont rémunérées. Vous pouvez accueillir des étudiants pour des placements soit à court ou à long terme. Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez communiquer avec la Coordonnatrice de l’Hébergement (Campus de Cornwall) Carolle Boudreau Email:

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 20 juillet 2016

Beautifying a St. Lawrence jewel

Residents are invited to visit Pointe Maligne in Cornwall, where work is wrapping up on another important beautification project. Partners with Le Village BIA, Downtown BIA, City of Cornwall, Cornwall Waterfront Committee, and Cornwall District Minor Baseball trumpeted a partnership that has resulted in a fresh new look to a historic piece of the city. Gone are piles of trash, mounds of dirt and much of the graffiti that dominated the area near the point and nearby Legion Park ball diamonds. The refuse has been replaced by fresh paint, beautiful landscapes and a renewed interest in Pointe Maligne, a jewel on the St. Lawrence River off of Bergeron Drive. “I’d like to invite everyone to come down to Pointe Maligne, park your car, and go up into the park area and appreciate the beautiful waterfront views,” Le Village BIA Chair Michel Dubuc said, on July 13, during a media event to show the changes at the park. “This project represents what Centretown is all about. Bringing various community partners with a common goal together in order to complete, in this case, a beautification project.” Pictured are Le Village BIA Chair Michel Dubuc, volunteer Pierre Giroux, Cornwall District Minor Baseball President Gordie Van Putten, Heart of the City’s councillor Denis Carr, and Cornwall Waterfront committee member William Beattie. — supplied photo

MPP Jim McDonell’s


Derek Diplômé Techniques de chauffage, de réfrigération et de climatisation

Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Guindon Park (Wayside Park) (rain or shine) BBQ & Refreshments Fun for the whole family! If you require further information please contact Marilyn McMahon at 613-933-6513 PIQUE-NIQUE DE COMTÉ du député Jim McDonell Le dimanche 24 juillet 2016 de 12h30 à 15h Parc Guindon (section Wayside) (beau temps, mauvais temps) BBQ et rafraîchissements Du plaisir pour toute la famille! Pour plus d’information, contactez Marilyn McMahon au 613-933-6513 Jim McDonell MPP/DÉPUTÉ Stormont-Dundas- South Glengarry





Grâce à ma formation et au stage en entreprise, j’ai pu gravir les échelons.



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Ů Techniques de chauffage, de réfrigération et de climatisation Ů Techniques de la construction et du bâtiment

613 742-2483, poste 2420

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

House of Refuge A monument to commemorate the lives of 29 House of Refuge inmates that were buried twice in unmarked graves will be unveiled on July 23, at the St. Lawrence Valley Cemetery.The ceremony will start at 10 a.m. Information: LittleHistorian@ Cornwall Historic Jail The historic Cornwall Jail, attached to the United Counties Building on Water Street, is now open on weekends, from 11 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. This year, prison costumes will be available for those who want the full inmate experience. Also, the Governor’s house has been partially furnished. Information: 613-936-0280. Les Racine d’Amérique Vous êtes cordialement invités au 29 e rassemblement des familles Racine, qui se tiendra à Cornwall les 23, 24 et 25 septembre 2016, au Centre NAV Canada. Unemesse sera célébrée à l’église Sainte- Thérèse-de-Lisieux, le dimanche 25 septembre, en l’honneur de toutes les familles Racine. Info: Diane 819-424-5876 ou Denise 613-443-3625. Cornwall Newcomers Cornwall Newcomers Alumnae Chapter (CNAC) invites the ladies of Cornwall Newcomers Club. If you joined Cornwall Newcomers Club (CNC) in 2012, you are eligible to join the Cornwall Newcomers Alumnae Chapter. Information: Lyz at 613-932-8164. Cornwall RibFest The Cornwall Seaway Lions Club invites you to the fifth annual RibFest, July 21, 22, 23 and 24, in Lamoureux Park. Join them for free live entertainment with musical guests Bon Jovi Crush on Friday, and Shania’s Twin on Saturday. Hop on thrilling rides by Carter Shows and enjoy a great meal. Café-Causerie L’équipe psycho-sociale invite les femmes à se joindre à leur rencontre mensuelle de bavardage et de plaisir. L’activité permettra d’échanger sur divers sujets dans une atmosphère de détente. Les rencontres auront lieu au bureau de l’Équipe psycho-sociale, au 610, avenue McConnell. Information : Josiane Briand- Pilon au 613-938-7112, poste 232. communautaire community link Le lien The

Bringing Diversity to Cornwall

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

The rainbow flag was flowing proudly in the warm Sunday wind, during Diversity Cornwall’s first annual barbecue. Traci Flewelling, Emmatt Brazeau and Stephanie Nadeau organized the event, which attracted its fair share of participants. Visitors to the event, which was based on a donation only concept, were offered hamburgers, chips, drinks and even custom necklaces. “We met a lot of great people,” said Emmatt Brazeau. “We had a great turnout!” During the event, which lasted a couple of hours, the group was able to collect close to 250$. “It’s amazing,” added Brazeau. The funds will serve to organize Diversity Cornwall’s September 10 dance. — photo Francis Racine

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President ROGER DUPLANTIE Directeur Général • General Manager FRANÇOIS BÉLAIR

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.: 613-938-1433 • Fax.: 613-938-2798

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 20 juillet 2016

TVCogeco Cornwall a servi plus d’une centaine de hot-dogs au cours de son barbecue communautaire annuel, le 16 juillet. L’activité s’est tenue chez Baxtrom’s Votre épicier indépendant de Cornwall. Les clients ou clients potentiels pouvaient profiter de boissons et de nourriture gratuites tout en discutant avec les employés des services offerts par l’entreprise. —photo Francis Racine Tout un barbecue!



Please note that our office will be closed from August 1 to August 14 inclusively. The newspaper will NOT be published on Wed., August 3 and Wed., August 10. Regular publication will resume on Wednesday, August 17.

Veuillez noter que nos bureaux seront fermés du 1er au 14 août inclusivement.

Il n’y aura PAS de publication

le mercredi 3 août et le mercredi 10 août. La publication du journal reprendra le mercredi 17 août.

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

It was the pawrfect fundraiser! Roy and Cher’s Animal Rescue, a not-for-profit corporation that assists animals from abuse, neglect, and abandonment, organized their fourth Annual Book & Bake Sale in Lancaster on July 16. The event raised over $1,200 which will be used to take care of the many neglected and abused animals living within the rescue. — supplied photo Fundraiser for abused animals


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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 20 juillet 2016

Raffle prize winner

Linda Wales recently won the annual Canada Day Raffle prize of $1000. Kariwate Mitchell of Akwesasne claimed a $500 second prize and Gail McDonald took home $250 in third. The money collected through the sale of tickets will be used to fund next year’s Canada Day events. Pictured is Wales accepting her prize from Guy Lauzon’s aide, Collin Munro. — supplied photo

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Sandra Sauvé Alain Parisien Sales open Mon. to Thu. 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri.: 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat.: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (Service Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat.: 8 a.m.-12 p.m.) / Heures d’ouverture des ventes : lundi au jeudi de 9 h à 20 h, vendredi de 9 h à 18 h, samedi de 9 h à 16 h (Service : lundi à vendredi de 8 h à 17 h, samedi de 8 h à 12h) Gerry Miner Erin Topping Nicholas Pasto Carole Beaulne Mario Groulx Jacques-Yves Parisien Ron Racine

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Rumors will soon grace the stage

Summer car care for pets During the hot summer months, the police often get calls about pets left shut up in vehicles. The OPP urge pet owners to make sure not to leave their pets alone inside a vehicle for long periods of time during hot weather or they may die from either heat exhaustion or heat stroke, even if the vehicle is parked in shade, the windows cracked open, and a bowl of water left inside. Leaving the air conditioning on is not a solution as a faulty AC system can also put a pet at risk. Dogs and cats both pant to cool themselves and also release heat through their paws. The upholstery and the air inside a car, both very hot during the summer, make it impossible for pets to cool themselves. Signs of heatstroke for a pet include: exaggerated panting or if panting stops altogether, rapid or erratic pulse, excessive drooling, an anxious or staring expression, weakness and muscle tremor, lack of coordination, red lips and tongue with both turning bluish at some point, convulsions, vomiting. – Gregg Chamberlain The Dream Builder Studios will once again echo with laughter. The Seaway Valley Theater Company will be presenting its newest play, Rumors . The play starts with Ken Gorman and his wife, Chris Gorman, at the 10 th anniversary party of Charlie Brock, the deputy mayor of New York, and his wife, Myra. Unfortunately, things are not going quite to plan. All the kitchen staff is gone, Myra is missing, and Charlie has shot himself in the head. Chris calls Charlie’s doctor, but before Chris can tell him what has happened, Ken dictates that she not inform the doctor of anything that has happened, for the bullet only went through Charlie’s earlobe. It appeared that he had taken some Valium, and was falling asleep as he fired the gun, managing to miss his head. “It’s a challenging play to do,” explained director Grant Reso. “There are a lot of cast members. But I love it when there’s always action on set. There’s even a scene when everyone is present.” The play will be performed on July 22, 23, 28, 29, 30 at 7:30 p.m. and on July 24 at 1:30 p.m. Pictured are (standing) Jill Leclair, Corey Disotell and (sitting) Melodie Samis and Cameron Macphee. — photo Francis Racine

L’Ontario installera 500 bornes de recharge


de 325 millions $, dans le cadre de la lutte contre les changements climatiques menée par la province. L’Ontario offre une prime d’encouragement pouvant aller jusqu’à 14 000 $ pour les acheteurs d’un véhicule électrique. Le gouvernement libéral souhaite que les véhicules électriques représentent cinq pour cent de tous les achats de véhicules neufs dans la province d’ici 2020. On compte actuellement près de 7000 véhicules électriques en Ontario. Le Québec compte actuellement un millier de bornes de recharge. En juin, le gouvernement annonçait l’ajout de bornes de recharge rapide couvrant l’ensemble du trajet entre Montréal et Mont-Joli, le long de l’autoroute 20. Et on annonçait en juillet que onze bornes de recharge rapide permettraient bientôt de faire « le tour de la Gaspésie » tout électrique, de Matane à Amqui.

TORONTO—Le gouvernement de l’Ontario installera près de 500 bornes de recharge pour véhicules électriques dans la province, afin de réduire l’ « angoisse de la panne » chez les consommateurs intéressés par ce type de voitures. L’ensemble du réseau de bornes permettrait alors de relier par exemple Windsor à Ottawa, ou Toronto à North Bay, mais aussi de circuler sans ennuis dans les régions métropolitaines. Les bornes seront installées à plus de 250 endroits, notamment sur des routes, mais aussi près des lieux de travail et dans des endroits publics. Elles devraient être toutes fonctionnelles d’ici mars 2017. La mise en place de ces bornes coûtera 20 millions $, tirés du Fonds d’investissement vert, doté d’un budget

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 20 juillet 2016





Heather Payne Entrepreneur, investor and founder of Ladies Learning Code and HackerYou

QUESTION 1: What were Canadian painters Franklin Carmichael, Lawren Harris, A.Y. Jackson, Frank Johnston, Arthur Lismer, J.E.H. Mac- Donald and Frederick Varley commonly known as? QUESTION 2: Which Canadian province was the first to grant women the right to vote, in 1916? QUESTION 3: Which of the following common household items was NOT invented by a Canadian: the garbage bag, the paint roller, the egg carton or the mechanical pencil? QUESTION 4: How many top spots on the podium did Canadian athletes earn during the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, setting the new world record for gold-medal wins?

Since its foundation, Ladies Learning Code has taught computer programming, a valuable life skill in this digital era, to over 10,000 people. Heather Payne’s non-profit organization has grown to include girls’ and youth pro-

Growing up in sleepy suburbia, Heather Payne’s entre- preneurial spirit set her apart fromother neighbourhood kids. While in high school, she managed a fast-food res- taurant before creating her own source of income selling

grams, and operates chapters in over 20 Canadian cities. Payne, always one to innovate, decided to take her project to the next level in 2012 by founding HackerYou, Canada’s first-ever pro- gramming boot camp—and the only one in existence that’s run by women. HackerYou builds upon Ladies Learn- ing Code workshops and offers full and part-time programming education. By empowering girls andwomen to join the programming field, Heather Payne has helped countless Canadians enter the workforce armed with a skill that’s rapidly gaining demand. Her forward-

personalized t-shirts—a venture that would prove successful enough to fund the purchase of her prom dress. She later graduated from the Richard Ivey School of Business with the intention of joining a Fortune 500 company and working her way to the top—but not before leaving her native GTA to spend a semester abroad, in Asia, where she learned how to code. Mid-2010, Heather was back in Toronto working a corporate gig when she real- ized that the world of start-ups might be a better fit for her personality. A few months later during a trip to Los Ange-

thinking approach to educating tomorrow’s innovators has been a true gift to the future of Canada. And even though she can’t predict which new skill or technology will inspire her next big idea, for 27-year-old Payne, one thing is for sure: Canada’s start-up world can count on her commitment for many years to come.

les, she stumbled upon a programming workshop just for women—a breath of fresh air in a male-dominated field. This sparked her desire to start her own workshop in Toronto, a plan that came to life shortly after with the birth of Ladies Learning Code.







Canada’s Moroccan community

An estimated 100,000 Canadians have Moroccan ancestry, making them part of Canada’s largest North African community. Canada and Morocco, who first established their diplomatic relations in 1956, are both full members of La Fran- cophonie. When significant numbers of Moroccans started to arrive in Canada during themid-1960s, most chose to settle in Quebec. The French-speakingma- jority of La belle province helped the newcomers, many of whom were Jewish and fleeing political repression, quickly feel at home. Since the late 1990s, the


Flower: Prairie Crocus

In 1906, the Prairie Crocus (Anemone patens) be- came Manitoba’s floral emblem. Varying in colour from light lavender to a rich bluish-purple, these blooms are the province’s first heralds of spring. The entirety of the plant is coated in short fine hairs that help protect it from snow and cold.

number of highly skilled Moroccan immigrants entering Canada has grown steadily, mainly due to the lack of work for people with higher education degrees on Morocco’s job market. Population-wise, Montreal still tops the list of Canadian cities for people of Moroccan origin, but numbers are rising from coast to coast. Canadians can thank Moroccan immigration for a ton of cultural contributions, among which traditional cuisine is definitely a crowd favourite. From couscous to green tea with mint, countless dinnertime staples originate from the North African country’s kitchens. Moroccan Canadians in popular culture include stand-up comedian Rachid Badouri, actress Emmanuelle Chirqui and French-language rapper Vaï.



The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, July 20, 2016






625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario tel.: 613 938-1433 • fax.: 613 938-2798


DIVERS à vendre MISCELLANEOUS for sale

POSTES DE JUGE DE PAIX À POURVOIR Cour de justice de l’Ontario TRIBUNAUX : Barrie (3), Bracebridge (1), Brampton (3), Brantford (1), Brockville (bilingue-1), Chatham (1), Cornwall (1), Hamilton (1), London (1), Newmarket (2), Oshawa (1), Ottawa (2), Ottawa (bilingue-3), Peterborough (1), Sarnia* (1), Sault Ste. Marie (bilingue-1), Simcoe (1), Sudbury (1), Thunder Bay (1), Timmins* (1), Toronto (10), Toronto (bilingue-1), Walkerton (1) Pour consulter une liste à jour des postes annoncés, veuillez vous rendre sur le site À la demande du procureur général et en vertu de la Loi sur les juges de paix , le Comité consultatif sur la nomination des juges de paix doit pourvoir des postes de juge de paix dans la province de l’Ontario et désire obtenir les candidatures des personnes intéressées. Les juges de paix sont des membres de la magistrature indépendants qui président diverses instances instruites en vertu des lois fédérales et provinciales. Les candidats doivent remplir les exigences minimales énoncées dans la Loi sur les juges de paix. Le Comité consultatif sur la nomination des juges de paix examine et évalue les demandes et classe les candidats selon les catégories suivantes : « Non qualifié », « Qualifié » ou « Hautement qualifié ». Ce classement est ensuite transmis au procureur général qui recommande la nomination des candidats par décret à la Cour de justice de l’Ontario. En plus de refléter la diversité de la population de l’Ontario, les postulants doivent aussi posséder les compétences et capacités fondamentales, les qualités personnelles et l’intérêt pour les affaires communautaires énumérées dans les Critères de sélection généraux du Comité. Les postes bilingues exigent un niveau élevé de compétence en anglais et une maîtrise supérieure du français à l’oral et à l’écrit. Puisque les membres des Premières nations constituent une proportion importante de la population des zones desservies par les tribunaux de *Sarnia et de *Timmins , nous encourageons tout particulièrement les personnes d’ascendance autochtone et les personnes ayant une connaissance approfondie des communautés autochtones et des enjeux qui touchent ces communautés à poser leur candidature. Pour en savoir plus sur les postes vacants susmentionnés, les qualités minimales requises pour ces postes, les critères de sélection généraux, le formulaire de demande obligatoire et le processus de sélection du Comité, visitez le site Web du Comité consultatif sur la nomination des juges de paix, à Les candidatures pour les postes à pourvoir doivent être présentées sur le formulaire de demande à jour et être reçues au plus tard à 16 h 30 le mercredi 17 août 2016. Les demandes reçues après cette date NE SERONT PAS prises en considération. REMARQUE : Les prochains postes à pourvoir et les dates limites pour y postuler seront affichés sur le site Web du Comité lorsque ces postes seront annoncés. Les personnes qui désirent recevoir des avis de postes vacants par courrier électronique sont priées de s’abonner à ce service en allant au site To view this advertisement in English, please refer to the Committee’s website at

A & C TELEVISION SERVICE - We repair LED, Plasma and amplifiers. We sell surveillance cameras and used televisions. 10% senior discount. Free estimates. Please call, 613-933- 9232 or 613-932-6366. ATTENTION AVIS NOTICE NEED CASH NOW? We buy guns, licensed dealer in Hawkesbury. We want your firearms and militaria. Quick, easy and confidential; or 613-632-4848.

WANTED USED BOYS BIKE, 21 speed, 22» fra- me; please call, 603-491-1784.

YARDWORKS 14» electric lawnmower; good condition, includes extra blade, $35.; SLEEP APNEA MACHINE , Phillips Respironics Auto Bi-PaP, with humidifier option and manuals, original price - $2,500. - asking $500. OBO.; more info, call 603-491-1784.

OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Le/The Journal in Cornwall has over 600 sq.ft. of open space for rent on first or second floor. Room for storage.

Central air conditioning. Parking. For more info or a visit, call Roger at 613-938-1433

LOCAL À LOUER Le/The Journal à Cornwall a un espace de 600 à louer au rez-de-chaussée ou au 2 e plancher. Espace additionnel pour

entreposage. Air climatisé central. Stationnement. Pour renseignements ou une visite, appeler Roger au 613-938-1433

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 20 juillet 2016

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Cornwall appoints new GM of Finance The City of Cornwall recently appointed Tracey Bailey as the new general manager of Finance and chief financial officer for the City, effective July 18. “I am pleased to welcome Tracey to this position,” said chief administrative officer Maureen Adams. “Her leadership experience with the City of Cornwall and her public and private sector background make her well-suited for this role.” Bailey has been employed by the City in the Financial Services Department for 18 years in various accounting and budgeting positions. From 2006 until present, she has served as accounting supervisor/deputy treasurer, a key position that involves overseeing the City’s financial and accounting systems. Prior to joining the City, Bailey spent approximately 10 years working in financial services in the private sector (service and wholesale). Born and raised in the Cornwall area, she is a graduate of St. Lawrence College, Business Administration/ Accounting. “I am thrilled about this new opportunity and the challenges it brings. I look forward to working with Council, the City’s management team and City Staff as we plan for the years ahead,” said Bailey. — supplied photo

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of July 10 to 16, 2016


ARIES You may want to isolate yourself in order to deal with some of your emotions. Fortunately, your friends know how to cheer you up when you’re feeling down. TAURUS Consult your doctor if you feel the least bit ill. You understand what people are thinking and can create harmony around you. The atmosphere at work improves under your more polished leadership. GEMINI You have a lot of details and a confusing situation to settle urgently at work before you can go on vacation. Be preventa- tive about catching infections, especially when swimming. CANCER You enjoy going to movies and shows — you might even find yourself in a starring role in one way or another. Your creativity shines. LEO You have to make a lot of trips for various reasons, but you would much prefer to relax at home. The family asks for your help for several things. VIRGO Prepare thoroughly if you have to give a talk; an improvised speech may not live up to your expectations. Your tact and sensitivity resolve a situation of conflict. LIBRA You feel as if you’re walking on eggshells at times. You need to use tact and diplomacy to avoid offending anyone. You also have to deal with an unexpected expense. SCORPIO A second cup of coffee helps you start the week off on the right foot. You have lots of random ideas and don’t always know where to start. Fortunately, the fog will soon disperse. SAGITTARIUS Don’t burn the candle at both ends. You’re inclined to go all the way in meet- ing people’s needs, but you’ll just end up exhausted. Channel your energies more efficiently. CAPRICORN You end up with some huge res- ponsibilities, which aren’t always very clear. Even at home, you have to decide who does what in order to avoid any kind of confusion and conflict. AQUARIUS You find a training program that is perfect for you and that will pave the way to a more prestigious career. This move enables you to make one of your biggest dreams come true. PISCES You need a change of air and a break in your routine, even if you hadn’t planned a vacation. You invest time in learning a new language, especially if you’re planning a trip.


ACROSS 1. Ship’s mast 5. Charcoal residue 8. Jolt 12.Other 13.Take to court 14.Totally confused 15.Thin board 16.Polite address 17.Yearnings 18.Old instrument 19.Hubbub: hyph. 21.Warning sign 24.Latin dance 28.Personal 30.Slack 33.Wiggly fish 34.Which person? 38.Eiffel Tower site 39.Superman’s letter 40.Elegance 42.Printed mistake 44.Type of history 47.Singer Guthrie 50.Denomination 35.Egg shapes 36.Pekoe, e.g. 37.Felon’s flight

53.Through 55.Competitor 56.Story line 57.Gremlin 58.Diminutive suffix 59.Choir voice 60.Period 61.Genuine DOWN 1. Opposite of buy 2. VCR button 3. Study of stars 4. Tailor again 5. Wild donkey 6. Clubs, for one 7. Idol 8. Louisiana marsh 9. Put to good ____

28.Wise birds 29.Reporter’s ques- tion 31.Rowing need 32.Cut 41.Game of chance 43.Road worker, at times 45.Spirited 46.Prom night wheels 48.“____ Boy Cry”: 2 wds. 49.Mr. Hershiser 50.Health haven 51.12th letter 52.Camp berth 54.Befitting


10.Guys 11.Dads 20.Fancy


22.Secret groom 23.PBS science series 25.Celestial sight 26.Hive dwellers 27.Woe!

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 20 juillet 2016

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