CIPP future of payroll research report 2019


Has your payslip distribution method changed as a result of GDPR? GDPR has had wide-ranging impacts since May 25 2018 so this question was posed to see if the payslip distribution has been changed. Only 21.94% of respondents stated that it had.

Has the information on your payslip changed as a result of GDPR? Only five percent answered that it had changed because of GDPR so there appears to be little impact in that respect.

How do you normally distribute your payslips? Multiple answers were allowed to this question, to reflect the fact organisations can, and it appears they still do, use different ways of delivering payslips to employees.

60.22% 40.06% 35.36% 19.34% 12.43% 11.05% 6.91%

The most common delivery method today is ‘self-service’ (employees’ access via a computer, laptop or mobile device) ( 60.22% ) and with the advent of more and more technological advances, you can really see this increasing. It would be interesting to understand if the GDPR influenced the rise in self-service use this year: as payroll sought a secure way to present information to employees. It may be, that mobile device use is the greatest attraction: Payroll taking advantage of our obsession as adults with mobiles and tablets. It’s no surprise that the second most common method is still ‘posted’ ( 40.06% ); currently there are still employees who need to have their payslip posted. Typically employees need print because a) they aren’t licensed users, or have regular access to, the system that hosts epayslips or b) they work in an environment where they can’t access the epayslip securely during working hours and it isn’t available at home or on the go. c) they still want - or in the case of employees with visual impairments need a physical payslip. For those respondents who are still using this method can you identify the reasons print is still needed and seek ways to reduce it or automate it (asking a secure supplier to help you get more employees online or to print and mail payslips for you? Printing and posting is expensive and time consuming and one area you can automate to free resource for more strategic tasks. In third place is the use of ‘email’ ( 35.36% ). Given concerns on data protection reflected in this report and the inherent risks associated with email i.e. what if someone’s unencrypted and non-password protected payslip goes to the wrong person or the password protected file is intercepted and hacked, this is a concerning statistic. Those using this method should seek assurances from security professionals that the use of email doesn’t pose a data risk. The last four choices which were selected are ‘sent to departments for distribution’ ( 19.34% ), ‘hand delivered by payroll department’ ( 12.43% ), ‘sent directly to clients for distribution’ ( 11.05% ) and ‘employee collects from payroll department/other designated area’ ( 6.91% ). It’s great to see there’s still a human element in the last four choices. However, is this really where payroll should be spending their time and how effective is this when you look at the other methods of distribution? Is this something employees still want?


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