September Pick from Susan

I love these Reusable Face Wipes from Scint i l la - These 100 % organic cot ton make - up wipes are sof t , gent le and the per fect accessory to your cleans ing rout ine . They ' re double - s ided wi th a sof t sweet pea gauze on one s ide and a f luf fy towel l ing on the other . They ' re great for us ing wi th an oi l cleanser to wipe away excess make - up , wi th a l iquid product , l ike our Cleans ing Mi lk , for cleans ing , or just to use to wipe damp skin at the end of your wash . Each pack contains 5 wipes which can be washed up to 40 ° in the washing machine . Depending on how much product you ' re washing of f , we recommend us ing each one for 2 - 3 days before put t ing i t through the wash , just s impl y r inse out and squeeze between each use and I think they are a wonder and the dai sy pat tern would make anyone smi le ! ! L o t s o f l o v e Su s a n https : / /www.wearescint i l la.com/product-page/reusable-make-up-wipes- daisy

September Pick from Colette

My 1000 days of sobr iety are in ear l y October and I want a piece that wi l l be a reminder of my journey thus far f ree f rom the demon that i s wine o ' clock . I love the work of a jewel lery des igner here in Canada and have been onl ine brows ing through mul t iple jewel lery ideas I think i t i s so impor tant to acknowledge our wins on thi s journey as they are dai l y and when we hi t big anni versar ies we should splash out on oursel ves . Hi lary Druxman who has the most wonder ful ethos of gi v ing back to local communi t ies creates jewel lery that i s modern in des ign and funct ion . Handcraf ted in ster l ing s i l ver or gold , Hi lary Druxman col lect ions are t imeless , complementary pieces des igned for every occas ion . Di st inct i ve s impl ici ty of des ign and master craf tsmanship combine to create access ible , ef for t less and elegant jewel lery to express one ’ s own unique , indi v idual sty le ! You should gi ve her work a look over and see can you f ind yoursel f a piece that matches your mood ! ht tps : / / www . hi larydruxman . com / good - works / L o t s o f l o v e Co l e t t e

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