Register 2022

looking and sounding great. Ryan Primus led the House and Josh Ratulomai saved us at the last minute, stepping in as the drummer, but we looked tentative and, after a slow start, we were underwhelming. It was great fun and the boys left determined to bounce back in 2023. With House Music completed, we quickly changed our focus to our House Play which was Waiting for Death . With Bruno Vaughan in charge (balancing his Senior A Basketball commitments with rehearsal schedules) and supported by William Jones and Ryan Primus, the play came together quickly and on the night was absolutely outstanding. Overall, Corfe House placed 2nd, with Ryan Primus voted best actor overall, the Director’s Award going to Bruno Vaughan and an acting award to Hugh Duston. Max Durkin, Josh Ratulomai and

Alex De Luca also contributed to a great performance. Andrew Levenger completed his second year as my deputy and was again pivotal in the smooth running of the House. With Covid-19 restrictions no longer in place, he was able to coordinate two weekend working bees at the SPCA in Wigram and a food/blanket collection. This was very well received. We will continue to work with the SPCA as our nominated charity in 2023. I want to thank all the mentors in Corfe for their input, support and care shown to the boys in the House. Tony O’Connor, Amanda Lester, Josh Kim and Hannah Clarkson have brought a diverse and rich layer of pastoral care and support to me as well. I would like to congratulate Josh Kim on his promotion to Deputy Housemaster of Jacobs House, starting in 2023, and we welcome

Shannon Small – new to College and teaching Drama – to Corfe House.

HOUSE PRIZE-GIVING JA Standring Cup for excellence in arts and culture Ryan Primus Ryan played a key role in the House Play (best actor) but also made a significant contribution to the successful House music competition as conductor. McGoldrick Cup for excellence in sport Truman Heath Truman has had an outstanding year of College sport. Senior A Volleyball in the summer and a key member of the Senior A Basketball team that won the national tournament for the first time ever. He is a great role model for the boys in Corfe.


Christ’s College Canterbury

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