


About being a good corporate citizen…

In the May 30 th edition of the Tribune- Express there was an article that gave the impression that Déjà Vu Restaurant some- how profited from the “sale” of city land for the miserly sum of $2. This, however, is not the case. The land in question is a small triangle of land directly in the driveway of what was formerly Parco Piscines, a remnant of the railway lines that ran through that particular piece of property. Regardless of ownership, there exists a right of way through that land. In other words, whether or not we own it, we have the right to pass

through it and hence the city or any other owner cannot deny us the right of passage to access our land, much like a homeowner can pass through the first few feet of his dri- veway even though technically that is city land. After purchasing the property, and in- vesting a considerable amount of money in the renovation of the buildings, we were told that the Town would appreciate it if we took over that parcel of land and clean up the dossier. If we did take it over, however, we would then be responsible for an esti- mated additional $500 per year of property

tax. The cheaper option would be to leave it as is, but in the interests of being good corporate citizens, we agreed to take the legal obligation over the land and start paying taxes on it. Not to mention that we accepted to cover all legal fees for the transfer at the Town’s request. The $2 is a placeholder amount for the lawyers to be happy, it has nothing to do with the municipal value of the land. The book value of the land is irrelevant. What is the market value of a parcel of land that has a right of way over 90% of its area? So, instead of having a funny triangle piece of unusable land, now the city has a revenue

of $500 per year more than before. Consi- der it a start towards re-opening the muni- cipal pool. Sounds like a good deal for the taxpayers to me. I would be happy to sell it back to the Town or anyone else for that matter for $4, I would double my investment and save $500 per year in taxes. Any takers? I’ll even throw in a basket of wings, no charge. I will, however, have to charge you for a glass of water, since my costs on that particular item has skyrocketed recently. Antonios Tsourounakis Resto-Bar Déjà Vu Hawkesbury

Lancement de la carte d’aliments

Le Réseau Agroalimentaire de l’Est ontarien lancera la 2e édition de la carte d’aliments locaux Prescott-Russell et Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry au marché champêtre de Van- kleek Hill, le samedi 5 juillet. Les membres de la communauté sont invités à visiter le kiosque du Réseau Agroalimentaire pour se procurer une copie de la nouvelle carte ainsi qu’une gourmandise saisonnière locale. La 18 e édition du Défilé de chevaux et bogheis de Vankleek Hill aura lieu le dimanche 6 juillet à 13 h. La procession partira du terrain d’exposition agricole et retournera vers 14h, o ù une dégustation de fraises, de gâteau et de crème glacée se tiendra. Le défilé de chevaux, poneys et petits cabriolets de toutes sortes revêtira le caractère historique de l’époque où les chevaux étaient le moyen de transport commun dans toutes les communautés. Le premier défilé remonte à l’année 1997, alors que l’on soulignait le 200 e anniversaire de la fondation du village de Vankleek Hill. Depuis, le défilé est devenu une tradition. Cette année, la dignitaire honorifique est Olive Moore, de Saint-Eugène. La 18 e édition du Défilé de chevaux

Restructuration financière • Consolidation des dettes en un paiement mensuel • Propositions à vos créanciers • Faillites personnelles et corporatives

Consultation gratuite

Syndics et gestionnaires Jane Mitchell, Conseillère

PREVENT LYME DISEASE! The number and range of blacklegged ticks that carry Lyme disease is increasing in Eastern Ontario. This summer, protect yourself against tick bites and lower your risk of becoming infected with Lyme disease. To learn more about Lyme disease and how to prevent it, visit and click on the Lyme Disease app , or call 613-933-1375 or 1 800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line. PRÉVENEZ LA MALADIE DE LYME! Le nombre et l’étendue des tiques à pattes noires, porteuses de la maladie de Lyme, augmente dans l’est de l’Ontario. Cet été, protégez-vous contre les morsures de tiques et réduisez le risque d’infection par la maladie de Lyme. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur la maladie de Lyme et comment la prévenir, visitez le et cliquez sur l’application La maladie de Lyme , ou appelez au 613-933-1375 ou au 1 800 267-7120 et demandez la ligne Appel-santé.

Hawkesbury 300 McGill

Ottawa 800-100 Queen



Spécial sur la 12 000 BTU 2000 $ . . Taxes incluses Installation de base

Certains modèles

GARANTIE : 1 an sur le compresseur et pièces; 1 an sur la main-d’oeuvre. PROGRAMME DE SUBVENTION DISPONIBLE (certaines conditions s’appliquent) ESTIMATION GRATUITE

RBQ# 5621-6633-01 — Cell.: 514 805-6212 — Bureau : 450 415-0822

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