West Yorkshire Mentor Guide

Mentoring Scheme Principles

The following principles underpin the project and the Mentoring scheme: • There must be shared understanding of and agreement with the purposes of the Mentoring scheme • The process has to be understood by all those taking part • The Mentoring project is a constructive, developmental form of support – of mutual benefit to those taking part • There will be adequate training, preparation and support for those taking part in the Mentoring scheme • A clear understanding of and agreement on the level of confidentiality will be required within the Mentoring relationship • Any written record produced should be appropriate to the needs of the Mentor and Mentee, and should be accessible to both parties • The Mentoring scheme will reflect and promote a commitment to equal opportunities • Open communication and consultation will occur throughout the implementation and management of the scheme • The continuing development of the Mentoring scheme will require regular reviews of its operation • Participants will create a time frame both for the frequency of meetings and for the duration of the relationship.


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